Young girl looks over the horizon of a city.

Madison’s Testimony

The Foundation

My name is Madison, I’m 14 years old, and this is my story—a story of brokenness, redemption, and the relentless love of God.

I was born in Italy in 2010 to a single mother who was struggling to make ends meet. From the very beginning, my life wasn’t easy, but God had His hand on me even when I didn’t know it.

My mother, unable to care for me while she searched for work, entrusted me to my missionary grandparents. They were my rock. My grandparents were servants of God who had spent their lives saving souls through their ministry.

They raised me in the church, teaching me to love Jesus with all my heart. I was surrounded by children in their ministry who became my best friends. I sang for Jesus, read my Bible, and participated in so many Christin activities. My life revolved around Him, and at such a young age, I felt His love deeply.

But life was complicated. My father’s family, who practiced Islam, tried to introduce me to their faith. They brought me to mosques, encouraged me to wear a hijab, and told me about Allah. But even as a child, I knew my heart belonged to Jesus. I stood firm in my faith, no matter how hard it was.

Losing My Way

When I was six, everything changed. My mother found work in Malta, and we moved there. I left behind the only home l’d ever known, my friends, my grandparents, and the life I loved. I was heartbroken. In Malta, I was placed in a foreign classroom with kids much older than me-some as old as 14-while I was just a seven-year-old who barely spoke English. I was bullied relentlessly. I cried almost every day feeling completely lost and unwanted.

Eventually, my mom decided Malta wasn’t the right place for us. She left me with my grandparents again while she searched for a better life. I cried the day she left. Watching her walk away broke something inside of me. It felt like I was being abandoned all over again. A few months later, she found work in the UK, and at nine years old, I moved there with her.

But leaving Italy again shattered me. I didn’t want to go. I begged my mom to let me stay with my grandparents, but she refused.

Drifting from God

The move to the UK marked the beginning of my darkest years. I had no church, no Christian friends, and no one to encourage me in my faith. Slowly, I drifted away from God. At first, it was small–I stopped praying and reading my Bible. Then, I became angry with God. Why had He taken me away from the life I loved? Why had He allowed me to feel so alone?

By the time I turned 13, I was lost. Depression consumed me. I hated the way I looked and compared myself to everyone around me. I became addicted to harmful habits and fell into lustful thoughts. Food became my enemy; I developed an eating disorder that made me feel even more ashamed.

My life spiraled out of control. I felt empty and hopeless. I cried myself to sleep most nights, wondering if life was even worth living.

The Turning Point

One night, at my lowest point, I fell to my knees in my bedroom and cried out to God. I sobbed, begging Him to save me.

“God, if You’re real, I need You to help me. I can’t do this anymore,”

I whispered through my tears.

And He answered. Not long after, my grandparents moved to the UK. When they arrived, they reminded me of the faith I had once loved. They reminded me of the little girl who used to sing for Jesus, who believed in His love without question.

Slowly, I started praying again. I went to church with them and eventually decided to rededicate my life to God. In 2023, I was baptized, and for the first time in years, I felt hope again. I began fasting, praying, and seeking God like never before. My heart was set on fire for Him.

The Struggle Returns

But the enemy doesn’t give up easily. At the start of 2024, the same struggles came creeping back. I became addicted to social media, wasting hours scrolling mindlessly and feeling worse about myself. Depression returned with a vengeance, and lustful thoughts began to consume me again.

One day, I hit rock bottom. I was overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts and believed I had no purpose. That day, I planned to end my life.
But God wasn’t done with me.

In my darkest moment, I felt His presence so clearly. It was as if He was sitting right there with me, whispering, “You’re not alone. I’m here. I’m not finished with you yet.” I broke down in tears, overwhelmed by His love. He saved me that day-not just spiritually, but physically.

Redeemed by Grace

From that moment on, I knew I had to fight. I had to let go of the things that were pulling me away from Him. I deleted social media, cut out toxic influences, and surrounded myself with people who encouraged me in my faith.

God began to heal me from the inside out. He reminded me that my identity isn’t in how I look, what l’ve done, or what others think of me—it’s in Him.

I started sharing my story on Tiktok, hoping it might help someone else. To my surprise, my testimony went viral, reaching over 130,900 people. My TikTok is imadisonrae and the video should be pinned!

Messages poured in from people who said my story gave them hope, that it brought them back to God.

Living for Jesus

Today, I’m not the same person I was. I’m still a work in progress, but I know who I am in Christ. He’s given me a purpose: to share His love and help others find Him.

If you’re reading this and feel broken, lost, or like there’s no way out, I want you to know this-God loves you. He sees you. He’s waiting for you to come to Him.

No matter how far you’ve gone, no matter what you’ve done, His grace is enough. He saved me, and He can save you too.

See Madison’s Testimony on TikTok

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  1. Innocent 1/23/2025

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