God will tell you to let go of some things that you think you need to hold on to. Mine were relationships with some people, me staying in an area, etc.
So when I finally let go of that relationship and moved out of that area, God was able to work!!!
We could be holding on to things and people that God is trying to break about! And those things/people that we are holding on to are blocking our blessings.
For people that are waiting for Mr. right or Mrs. right, we can’t get to them because we are entertaining Tom, Sally, And John. So soon as we let go of some people or things, it may seem crazy or like “why would I need to leave this person alone” just try and see if someone else doesn’t walk back or into your life.
I’m a living proof. I met his young man, and we hit it off pretty well just recently, but I knew in my head this isn’t probably who you are going to marry. But I entertained him because he was so convenient and lived literally across the street from me!
So, we had great times together, I was helping him with trying to become closer to go and get God into his life. Then all of a sudden God tells me “You need to leave (the guy) alone.”
So, I ignored God for some weeks and kept talking to the guy. Then it finally hit me to leave him alone. One day I just blocked his number and tried to avoid seeing him when I went outside… I did that for a few days and God worked the exact same day!
The Rent-A-Center guy that was coming to help move some furniture out came and he ended up staying at my house for about 3 hours just talking about God and how he has been praying for his wife to come and so on and all the goodness God has done for each of our lives. So that was God showing me how quick he can work!!! But just obeying that task of letting go of the guy I really liked, or at least thought I liked that showed faith and trust that I trusted God even when it didn’t make sense!!
Then I got so much CLARITY as far as what my next move needed to be, and so on! Then I few days later, the love of my life (the guy God told me I was going to marry) messaged me on Facebook, wanting to talk. This guy I talked to previously and he was taken away from me because of certain reasons why God would take your blessing away. So, me obeying God and removing things/people that blocked my blessing made way for God to bring him back into my life!
Trust god and do what he asks! You will know when you feel it in your spirit when he speaks to you.
Amen that’s very encouraging recently God helped me let go of my x Husband I am waiting for God in his perfect timing to send the one he has for me