Young girl starring into night sky pondering salvation

I Saw Jesus Crying for Me

About ten years-ago, I was sleeping at my parents’ house, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I saw what appeared to be a man crying, as I peered in closer to see who this was and why he was crying, it hit me,

“This is Jesus crying for me;”

Now, you may want to ask me the following question, “How do you know that it was Jesus that you saw crying for you in that dream that night?” And the answer is that I know that it was Jesus that I saw crying for me in that dream that night, because once I realized that it was him, I immediately woke up, jumped out of my bed, and got on my face, in fear and trembling, for what must have been at least ten minutes.

Now, if you do not believe that what I am telling you is the truth, then let me ask you a question: if that was just a mere man that I saw crying for me in that dream that night, then why did I respond with fear?


  1. lindelani cele 5/3/2014
  2. ONEOFJESUS 5/6/2014
  3. S1 3/5/2017

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