Inside a Hospital: Doctors and Patients

I Need Healing

I am in my late 20’s and have been going through challenges in my body for about a year. The doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with me, and it seems like my symptoms are getting worse. I do believe God can heal me but sometimes I feel like I need to know exactly what is wrong with me in order to know exactly what to pray for? I don’t know? Can someone minister to me about this?


  1. Jonathan 11/28/2010
  2. matt 11/28/2010
  3. joseph206 11/29/2010
  4. Maurice Haye 12/13/2010
  5. Daniel T says: 12/19/2010
  6. mokshs 12/27/2010
  7. KRIS ODJ 1/3/2011
  8. Iamredeemed 1/7/2011
  9. gradyhalw 2/8/2011
  10. Lerecia 8/16/2011
  11. Lee 9/28/2011
  12. Mimis 10/10/2011
  13. xx 11/10/2011
  14. Ashton 1/7/2016

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