Lust used to take over my mind, body, personality, voice ME. It started with the internet, to TV, to music, to my surroundings, to people. This was the way the devil attacked me. I changed fast but it took me a while to figure out what I had become. Who I had become.
God still NEVER left my side. He gave me strength, wisdom, and love. It’s all that I needed. I got rid of my old ways. Stopped going on certain websites. Deleted and un-followed people from Facebook and Twitter that were rude, cursed too much, negative, and that were putting up pictures showing their bodies too much.
I stopped listening to music that talked about money, sex, and how materialistic things were SO important. I stopped hanging around people who did drugs, who seemed proud not to be virgins and saying it’s basically the NEW thing not by words but by actions, people who were mean and rude to others, who didn’t have a somewhat future ahead…I basically turned my whole entire life around. I shaped myself into a better person. I said to myself at the end if don’t have friends around it’s okay. That if I didn’t listen to the new music out, I wasn’t “lame” or watch all the popular shows out I wasn’t “cool” enough.
Every change I made was for ME. I was tired of my old ways. I found out that lust, bad and negative friends, music, tv, and the internet were not worth deleting a LIFE with God and that all those things were slowly changing my personality, how I felt, and how I started to show hate to people who loved me most. I didn’t want it to be that way anymore. I’m doing this publicly because I’m not ashamed that I have sinned, and I know that I have made mistakes but it’s the past that I am never going back to.
Now it’s the present and tomorrow is the Future. What I am saying is that if you have sinned then repent. If you want to become a new person, get RID of your old and negative ways. Come to God. If it’s reading the bible more, going to church more, finding new friends, better music and tv choices do it because it’s worth it. God wants to come into your life. Your Heart. He’s knocking at the door of your heart waiting for you to open up.
All the things I tried to fill my heart with I couldn’t because only God could feel that empty place nothing or no one can. 8.27.12 I hope this helped someone and just remember no one is perfect:) and that when God comes into your heart it is a wonderful thing and no feeling, person, object can replace it!! #beblessedmuchlove:)
Audrey,you are so right. I too, years ago, was troubled by wrong sexual orientation, used to use my body wrongly. I too used to enjoy music of different forms and movies, ….I dont know but after salvation,(I am unable to say exactly when) the Lord Himself just removed it all from me. Dance forms and music which used to enthrall me no longer have any attraction for me, sex in the meaning of the world, disgusts and repels me. I veiw what my husband and I share as something so pure and holy and SO honourable that God will only allow it in union like ours. All the wrong attractions just fell away…and I crave for fellowship with the true body of Christ, the true Church.
Once you recieve Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit in you. He cannot tolerate all that trash…ultimate sign of His presence!!!:-) our boast is in Christ alone. Hallelujah!
Everyone who reads this, we should collectively pray for our children of this world who are bombarded with Satans playthings and fall prey to them. Remember, We who are holy in Christ, our children are also holy….
God, Jesus Christ is the Almighty!I share in your joy!As I see it , repentance before God ,is the most powerful way ,in which Jesus “will open our eyes” to see the truth about God’s covenants- In my own words:”Repentance open the door to God’s Covenants”. We know that Jesus said…:”I will not turn him away ,who cometh to me!” God is true and faithfull – if you repent your sin and turn to Him, he will move your sins away from you …as far as the East from the West – He won’t even “think” about them again!!! These are Godly promises!Within that, Jesus confirmed the Covenants of God – He will never fail His chosen ones!His children who accepted Him as their Savior,Redeemer and Holy Almighty God!You repented, God saved you,His blood cleansed you and now you are a new born child of the Trinity – God the Father,the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! Thank you for sharing your testimony – it confirms again – Repentance opens the door to the Covenants of God! Let’s praise the Lord and I urge people ,just as Audrey did! Take all your burdens to Jesus Christ -normaly we feels it is too heavy for us to carry it! That is the first step to faith – just to think about going to Jesus! Put all your trust in Him ask HIM to carry your burdens ! He will do that with the dearest of love you have ever seen!Don’t worry that it “maybe too much for Him”.Remember He took AWAY the whole worlds’ sins (which were there and what were yet to come!) Your burden/s ,was/is nothing comparing to the extent of all sin of the world which He washed away with His blood! He did the perfect job – it was a Godly act! We must just repent and go…and sin no more!”And now We can be instruments in His hands!How big is this privilege? It is not possible to measure, as God can’t be measured! Believe that this privilege ,to spread His Word and to live His light , is our chance in a practical way, of saying:”Thank you Jesus!”This is not a requirement to save you, or get “favour” from God, it is purely a way of glorifying Lord Jesus Christ! It is so wonderful to be able to bear fruit for Jesus!You will even ask Him, to “prune” you, so that you can bear more fruit!!! He is the Alpha and the Omega!He is the Holy Holy God 4 ever!!!Amen