A young female student looking satisfied.

How Jesus Made Me Stand for His Glory Before the End of High School

Praise The Lord.

I have always wanted to share this here. Here it is! God bless!

13th May 2024

The day has come. My 12th results were out.

Let me give you an auto replay of what happened previously.

My very first testimony is published here at Testimony Share.

At the beginning of Grade 11, I had set ambitious goals such as getting Ace Scholar Badges and Commendation Certificates. But that year, I struggled a lot. It was a major struggle with mental health.

Physics, Chemistry, and Biology – the entire sciences were my favorite.
But in Grade 11, I barely started passing each paper. I started feeling left out in class. I felt ignored by my teachers and peers. I felt nothing.

I hit my lowest point when I failed my 20-mark Biology paper. When I got the paper, I started tearing down in tears. This marked the beginning of depression.

On that day, my biology teacher called my mother. My biology teacher had taught me in Grade 10 as well (and God’s Grace in 12th too) and knew me better compared to my other teachers.

That call changed my perspective. My mom had put the call on speaker mode, and I listened to everything my teacher said.

She said,

“She is an excellent student. What happened to her? Are there any issues at home or anything? I could not stop thinking about her. If she needs any help, I am always there for her.”

That’s when I realized that my teacher cared for me so much. I prayed to Jesus,

“Lord, please forgive me. Now I know my mistakes. I will not let you down because you have faith in me. I will not let down those who have faith in me. Please use me for your glory, for your honor. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

The Lord freed me from the chains of depression. He gave me the confidence in Him. Leaping a step in faith with Jesus, I stepped forward to a new year, 2024.

This time, I kept in mind Jesus. I kept in mind all those who prayed for me each day. I kept in mind my parents.

By God’s grace, I passed Grade 11 with good marks and entered Grade 12.

Almost a year since Grade 12 started, board exams came in, starting from February 22nd.

Before every exam, I prayed to Jesus. Before I studied, I prayed to Him. Before I received the exam paper and started writing, I prayed to Him.

After each exam, I would give a thumbs up to my mother, telling her that the exam went amazing!

On the day of the physics exam, one of those hardest subjects, I had 14 chapters (the entire syllabus) to revise. My heart was pounding heavily. I left it all to Jesus. After writing the exam, I came outside the exam hall and gave my mother a happy smile. It was a hard exam, but by God’s grace, all that Jesus made me revise before the paper came in the exam.

Praise God!

For Psychology, we got 10 study holidays. First 5 days went to waste as those days I was struggling to register for the NEET-UG exam. It was solely my mistake as I didn’t check the deadline to register. My entire family tried to register but was unsuccessful. I cried a lot those days. My parents kept telling me that it’s not more important than your boards. But still, I was disheartened. On top of that, my parents already told everyone that I would be writing NEET, at least giving a first attempt.

But Jesus did not put me and my family to shame. By the grace of God, Jesus successfully registered me for the exam.

Now I had 5 days remaining for psychology. Every day I first prayed and then studied. Like I said in my previous testimony, I always keep a chair for Jesus to sit with me and teach me when I study.

I highly encourage you to do the same. Jesus will surely explain the concepts, and you will find them clear and easy to remember.

Before studying, always pray to Jesus.

“Jesus, my Lord, I am going to study. Please sit with me and teach me all the concepts. Please fill me with Godly wisdom and good memory power. Use me for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Victory will come from the Lord (Proverbs 21:31).”

On the day of the Psychology exam, I still remember not being myself. By God’s grace, the exam went well, but the paper had a few tricky questions. I was a bit scared about the marks as my psychology teacher expected a full score from me.

March 19. Finally, the boards ended with the last subject – Biology.

Every day before results day, I would pray to Jesus for victory in my results. He performed countless miracles in my life, and I was firm in faith that He would do it again and again and again.

He always wants the best for us. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Hebrews 13:8

Okay, the auto-replay ended. Continuing the incident on results day:

By the grace of God, Jesus helped me get 93% overall and all subjects A1 and A2 grades + a perfect score of 100 in Psychology!

Let me tell you, I would just get passing marks in Physics and Chemistry. For Physics, it’s always 36 out of 70.

But nothing is impossible for the Lord. Mark 10:27.

By God’s grace, Jesus granted me 84/100 marks (54/70 LIKE WHAT?!) in Physics and 90/100 in Chemistry. Without Him, this is just IMPOSSIBLE.

Psychology… I was not even in my state of mind while I was writing the paper. But I knew Jesus corrected all my papers. He made my answers right.

Before my high school journey came to an end, the Lord gave me 4 awards total from my school and my church community, and He made me a Middle East topper!

All glory and honor to Jesus!


  1. Aanish 1/13/2025
  2. Innocent 1/13/2025
    • Aanish 1/13/2025
  3. lnnocent 1/15/2025

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