Student, thankful to Jesus

How Jesus Helps Students

Jesus shows and tells you the questions that are going to come:

Declaring the End from the beginning
Isaiah 46: 10

My sheep hear my voice
John 10: 27

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to left.
Isaiah 30: 21

I was appearing for physics CBSE Board exam It was morning 7 am, I had to go by 9 am, since exam was starting from 9.30 am. It was Morning 7 am, I had to go by 9 am. Since the exam was starting from 9 :30 am I was revising, suddenly, I found that one whole chapter is left. I had missed reading it. It was first chapter containing long and hard derivation of Columb’s law etc. I was troubled, disheartened, how can I read in 2 hours, this chapter and other chapters I had to revise, I started calling the name of JESUS.

Call upon me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you and you shalt glorify me.
Psalms 50: 15

Jesus help me, please loving Jesus help.

I was turning pages which questions to read, because in this limited time I cannot complete reading all the questions and answers. Suddenly, I saw white light on one of the questions and I heard the sweet voice of Jesus, my son write: Thanks Jesus going to come in board exam.

I wrote and studied and read that question and answer. Then again, I started turning pages. Again, I saw white light on one of the question, loving Jesus told to write Thanks Jesus going to come in board exam and in another question and answer, Jesus showed me and told me.

I was thrilled, encouraged and comforted, I went to exam hall praying “loving Jesus I am weak, please sit beside we and teach me to write my exam hold my hand, and write for me.”

A soon as the question paper was distributed prayer fully, I opened, I found the same three questions had come which Jesus had shown and told that they will come. I was thrilled how Jesus is wonderful, how he helps.

Dear beloved students, the same Jesus loves you very much. He will give you the same experience to you, when you call and cry to Jesus. He will help you, because he is not partial (Acts 10.34 Romans 2:11).

Jesus will show & tell the Questions that are going to come when you are in desperate situation, time is very less and you have to cover lot of chapters, He will show tell you and help you!!! Be of Good cheer.

Jesus will perform miracle, even when your exam has not gone well.

With men it is impossible, but not with God for with God all things are possible
Mark 10: 27

The king’s heart is in the hand of the lord as the rivers of water he turneth it whither severe he will. Proverbs 21: 1

I gave my chemistry CBSE exam. It was very hard for me, since I had not prepared whole year, few days before exam I tried to read but organic chemistry equations, balancing Ch3 cooh, Al 30H. It was externally hard and difficult to understand in such short time. I came home with a sad heart, I prayed; I poured out my complaint before him. I showed before him my trouble. Psalms 142: 2

I cried,

“Loving Jesus, why you did not help me. My exam has gone very bad. I will fail. Why you did not show and tell the questions that are going to come, as you showed and told me in physics.”

I had made a habit of praying and reading BIBLE every morning and every night, hence in the night I was reading BIBLE with a heavy heart oh what with will happen, my exam has gone very bad. Suddenly the BIBLE got opened in proverbs 21 :1:

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD as the rivers of water. He turns whithersoever he will.

Jesus began to explain, my son what’s written the king’s heart means the valuer (the examiner’s) heart is in my hand. As the rivers of water, I will turn whithersoever I will. Even if you have written wrong and done a mistake, I still can grant you favour in the eyes of valuer (the examiner). He will give you more marks. I was much comforted. Then I read mark 10.27 with men it is impossible, but not with God for with GOD all things are possible. Jesus told me, I healed the blind, deaf and dumb, I love to perform miracles for my children. My love and power is unchanging.

Hebrews 13 :8 I was much comforted and thrilled, when result come loving, mighty Jesus granted me the highest in chemistry 84/100, praise the LORD.

Thank you, Jesus, how true is his WORD. Proverbs 21: 1 Mark 10:27

Dear students, don’t get heartened and sad when your exam goes badly. Jesus has power to do miracle and to give you much more marks and make you pass in flying colors. Remember he loves you very much. He says my son daughter. Taste and see how good I am (Psalms 34: 8).

Open your heart and cry to him Jesus. Come into my heart, make me your child, wash me with your precious blood, forgive me, help me. He will come, He will help, perform miracles for you.

Jesus will guide you to study.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which than shalt go;
I will guide you with mine eye. Psalms 32: 8

Jesus is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. Isaiah 28:24

In Hindi CBSE exam, my class teacher had told to study most important life history of fames poets and writers, like Ramdevi Singh Dinkar, Mahadevi verma, M Gupta etc, But After prayers when I started studying, loving Jesus guided me to study, new poet and writers’ life history. Remember, it is hard to remember all poet and writers’ life history, when he/she was born what all are the books and prizes he has written and received. Anyway, I read accordingly, as per Jesus’ guidance.

When I went to give the exam, the same poet and writers’ life history came in the exams.

I was thrilled. Thank you, Jesus. My other classmates were very sad after the exam as they had studied according to our class teacher’s instruction, they were disappointed I thanked the LORD for his wonderful counsel.

Jesus will help year guide you. Just before studying ask him to sit beside you and teach you all the lessons, He loves you very much he will help you he will guide you.

Jesus will give you memory power.

The memory of the just (Jesus’ children) is blessed: Proverbs 10 : 7

I was doing MBA, one particular subject I did not like it was Management Intonation system (MIS) I did not study well whole year, but on the day of exam, I had to study, I woke up in the morning with a heavy heart, exam was from 4 pm. I had only 8 / 9 hours to prepare. As usual I prayed and read the BIBLE before studying. Suddenly the BIBLE opened to proverbs 10 :7.

The memory of the Just (Jesus Children) is blessed (Proverbs 10 : 7).

Jesus enlightened me, son do not fear, do not be dismayed, whatever you study shall be retained in your mind. You will not forget because I have promised my children, memory.

I was encouraged, thrilled, I started studying with the hope. Jesus will help to retain, whatever I am studying for first time, I did not have time for revision. There were complex terns and formulas, but Jesus’ word greatly encouraged and strengthened me.

Then I went to give my exam, thank GOD, whatever I had studied had come. But I began to forget some complex terms and formulas, I started calling Jesus,

“Help me, you promised.”

The memory of your children is blessed proverbs 10: 7. Help me to remember, help me not to forget and Jesus helped to remember all. I was about to forget, and 3 hours the exam ended. Thanks to Jesus, by Jesus’ help, I had not forgotten any single point, term, formula, even though I had read only once. All glory to Jesus.

Dear students loving Jesus will help you to remember, you might be worried, oh I study so much, but in exam hall I get confused and forget.  Loving caring Jesus will help you to remember, he will bless your memory power, because he is a PROMISE KEEPING GOD. In Jesus are HIDDEN ALL THE TREASURES OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE (Colossians 2: 3).

Jesus will give you wisdom, knowledge and memory power.

Jesus loves you. He cares for you He longs to help you. He loves to perform miracles for you.

Loving Jesus granted me same experience in my BE (Electronics) and MBA (Marketing & Finance). I was weak, foolish, but he helped me pass my exams in first division 66 %. Thanks to Jesus.


  1. HeIsSufficient 5/4/2009
  2. Jansef 5/19/2009
  3. Henry 5/21/2009
  4. san 6/5/2009
    • sharonabraham 4/29/2018
  5. mounica 6/3/2010
  6. Charlotte 6/6/2010
    • sharonabraham 4/29/2018
  7. NELZAH 9/9/2010
  8. MANELLY 9/9/2010
  9. agey george 9/19/2010
  10. agey george 9/20/2010
  11. Gkd 10/9/2010
  12. Love u jesus 11/30/2010
  13. Dinesh 11/30/2010
  14. andrew 4/13/2011
  15. Priye 5/15/2011
  16. Naomi 6/17/2011
  17. Becky 6/22/2011
  18. Becky 6/22/2011
  19. Gabrielle 7/19/2011
  20. Ronnie 11/10/2011
  21. Rose 1/24/2012
  22. Meenakshi 3/17/2012
  23. nieves beman 5/1/2012
  24. Soulsister 5/7/2012
  25. Rashmi 5/8/2012
  26. Soulsister 5/8/2012
  27. Soulsister 5/8/2012
  28. Soulsister 5/9/2012
  29. Jasmin 5/22/2012
    • Jasmina 2/7/2016
  30. Soulsister 5/23/2012
  31. Soulsister 5/29/2012
  32. GD 6/5/2012
  33. Rukky jay 6/6/2012
  34. Rukky jay 6/6/2012
  35. Rukky jay 6/6/2012
  36. lovely 6/12/2012
  37. prakash 6/16/2012
  38. Soulsister 6/22/2012
  39. ruthie 6/27/2012
  40. ruthie 7/9/2012
  41. Kemi 7/24/2012
  42. Jasmin 8/10/2012
  43. Jasmin 8/15/2012
  44. joshua 8/16/2012
  45. joshua 8/16/2012
  46. joshua 8/16/2012
  47. joshua 8/16/2012
  48. Jasmin 8/17/2012
  49. Gloria 8/23/2012
  50. joshua 8/25/2012
  51. joshua 8/25/2012
  52. Ange 8/27/2012
  53. joshua 8/28/2012
  54. Jasmin 8/29/2012
  55. Gloria 8/29/2012
  56. joshua 8/30/2012
  57. joshua 8/30/2012
  58. Gloria 8/30/2012
  59. bipin mathew 9/2/2012
    • Emory 9/3/2012
  60. Jasmin 9/2/2012
  61. Jasmin 9/5/2012
  62. Gloria 9/8/2012
  63. Jasmin 9/13/2012
  64. kennie 9/13/2012
  65. joshua 9/14/2012
  66. AT 9/18/2012
  67. Jasmin 9/19/2012
  68. Gloria 9/30/2012
  69. Gloria 10/1/2012
  70. Gabriel 10/1/2012
  71. Gloria 10/2/2012
  72. ritu 10/20/2012
  73. Zoe 10/22/2012
  74. hellen atieno 11/8/2012
  75. Joy 11/8/2012
  76. Antoine 11/9/2012
  77. Megha Thomas 1/10/2013
  78. Mary 1/12/2013
  79. Megha Thomas 1/13/2013
  80. Mary 1/18/2013
  81. tijo 1/18/2013
  82. Phillie 1/21/2013
  83. Jasmin 2/13/2013
  84. mini 2/16/2013
    • sharon velam 10/11/2015
  85. olga 3/7/2013
  86. j.jasmine 4/4/2013
  87. L.Jothilakshmi 4/16/2013
  88. Shanuja 4/19/2013
  89. Patience 4/20/2013
  90. Deborah 4/24/2013
  91. osagie 4/29/2013
    • Osagie 7/13/2015
  92. Anita 5/8/2013
    • Evangelist Sammy 6/3/2016
  93. Monica 5/9/2013
  94. sister in christ 5/28/2013
    • Evangelist Sammy 6/3/2016
  95. sisterinchrist 5/29/2013
  96. josiah 5/31/2013
  97. valery 6/3/2013
  98. valery 6/5/2013
  99. dee 6/7/2013
  100. valery 6/9/2013
  101. Miracle 6/9/2013
  102. dee 6/9/2013
  103. Miracle 6/10/2013
  104. valery 6/12/2013
  105. angelo 6/13/2013
  106. aj 6/13/2013
  107. Sarah 6/14/2013
  108. J. Renita 6/15/2013
  109. J. Renita 6/15/2013
  110. Jess 6/19/2013
  111. Tristen 6/26/2013
  112. Chido Mapfumo 7/1/2013
  113. Joy 7/20/2013
  114. Todd 7/21/2013
  115. cheeryleesa 7/22/2013
  116. BlessedbyGod 8/17/2013
  117. Dee 9/6/2013
  118. Emeka 9/8/2013
  119. joiz 10/2/2013
  120. Christine 10/31/2013
  121. Jerl 11/11/2013
  122. Joy 11/12/2013
  123. cheeryleesa 11/17/2013
  124. Joy 11/20/2013
  125. Susie 11/27/2013
  126. sisterinchrist 12/2/2013
  127. Arwa 12/4/2013
  128. God's Child 12/11/2013
  129. Joy 12/11/2013
  130. Tricia 12/19/2013
  131. Terez 1/12/2014
  132. HameaiBansan 1/28/2014
  133. Amy 1/29/2014
  134. Claire NPI 2/1/2014
  135. shanuja 2/3/2014
  136. Susie 2/5/2014
  137. JOIZ 2/19/2014
  138. beautiful 2/28/2014
  139. Jerl 3/4/2014
  140. Nikhil 3/18/2014
  141. Student 3/19/2014
  142. Joiz 3/20/2014
  143. Beautiful 3/22/2014
  144. R 3/25/2014
  145. J G abraham 4/11/2014
  146. priya 4/17/2014
  147. jane 4/17/2014
  148. Sharon 4/18/2014
    • Emory 4/18/2014
  149. NIKHIL 4/22/2014
  150. Ravleen 4/25/2014
  151. Reenu 4/25/2014
  152. Gill 4/25/2014
  153. Rav 4/30/2014
  154. Sharon 5/3/2014
  155. :) 5/3/2014
  156. suzanne 5/7/2014
  157. Charlie A 5/9/2014
  158. Charlie A 5/9/2014
  159. Sharon 5/11/2014
  160. Sharon 5/11/2014
  161. marypel 6/18/2014
  162. Carol 6/20/2014
  163. Nolubabalo 7/3/2014
  164. Arohi 7/7/2014
  165. Arohi 7/8/2014
  166. Arohi 7/8/2014
  167. jade 7/13/2014
  168. Melo 7/30/2014
  169. Veronica 8/22/2014
  170. ann ruth 8/30/2014
  171. annie etwaru 8/31/2014
  172. Mini Koshy 10/9/2014
  173. mis 10/18/2014
  174. Ajay kumar 10/30/2014
  175. Kelly 10/31/2014
  176. Deborah 11/1/2014
  177. sreelekshmi 11/5/2014
  178. Gods redeemed son 12/2/2014
  179. Sophie 12/4/2014
  180. Sophie 12/4/2014
  181. Mirna 12/6/2014
  182. Andrew 2/1/2015
  183. sneha 2/7/2015
  184. Joel Alex 2/8/2015
  185. matthew jude 3/10/2015
  186. Bishal 4/19/2015
  187. Ness 4/28/2015
  188. Ann 4/28/2015
  189. kiran 5/2/2015
    • Emory 5/2/2015
  190. Charlie A 5/5/2015
  191. Christina 5/6/2015
  192. Christina 5/7/2015
  193. Dhara 5/8/2015
  194. Dhara 5/8/2015
  195. Grace A 5/8/2015
  196. Charlie A 5/11/2015
  197. Charlie A 5/12/2015
  198. Christina 5/13/2015
  199. Caleb 5/13/2015
  200. Meneka 5/17/2015
  201. Christina 5/19/2015
  202. Chelsie 5/20/2015
  203. prabhjot 5/22/2015
  204. prabhjot 5/22/2015
  205. sam 5/25/2015
  206. Justina 5/30/2015
  207. godsgirl 6/1/2015
  208. eve 6/3/2015
  209. zama 6/4/2015
  210. Reni 6/6/2015
  211. Teekor 6/6/2015
  212. Christina 6/6/2015
  213. Adanne 6/9/2015
  214. Teekor 6/10/2015
  215. Christina 6/11/2015
  216. Christina 6/11/2015
  217. Tashia 6/13/2015
  218. Teekor 6/13/2015
  219. irene 6/13/2015
  220. Vanesaa 6/14/2015
  221. T 6/15/2015
  222. vinolia 6/16/2015
  223. vinolia 6/16/2015
  224. Adanne 6/17/2015
  225. amaka 6/18/2015
    • Grace 9/9/2016
  226. Nekia 6/19/2015
  227. khahli 6/19/2015
  228. Adanne 6/19/2015
  229. Alisha 6/20/2015
  230. Tashia 6/22/2015
  231. Leny 6/23/2015
  232. Alisha 6/26/2015
  233. sho 6/29/2015
  234. Indigo 6/30/2015
  235. Alicia 7/2/2015
  236. eve 7/6/2015
  237. eve 7/6/2015
  238. daniela 7/9/2015
  239. Grace A 7/13/2015
    • Emory 7/13/2015
  240. GACE tester 7/13/2015
  241. Onome 7/15/2015
  242. Alawen 7/20/2015
  243. Michelle Mooki 7/23/2015
  244. Leeni 7/30/2015
  245. Olamide 8/6/2015
  246. Adanne 8/8/2015
    • Chelsie 8/18/2015
  247. Fisayo 8/11/2015
  248. karaleigh stone 8/13/2015
  249. karaleigh stone 8/13/2015
  250. Grace A 8/18/2015
  251. Chelsie 8/18/2015
    • sharonabraham 4/30/2018
  252. Cheery 8/25/2015
  253. M 8/28/2015
    • M 6/22/2016
  254. Adanne 9/4/2015
  255. Jemah 9/9/2015
  256. Zoe 9/12/2015
  257. Lisah 9/13/2015
  258. sophie 9/14/2015
    • Nero 9/14/2015
    • Emory 9/15/2015
  259. sophie 9/15/2015
  260. sophie 9/15/2015
  261. Adanne 9/16/2015
  262. Una 9/16/2015
    • Emory 9/17/2015
  263. Nero 9/17/2015
  264. Nero 9/17/2015
  265. eve 9/22/2015
  266. Adanne 9/23/2015
  267. Lhakaten 9/26/2015
  268. Lhakaten 9/26/2015
  269. Khoo 9/30/2015
  270. amaka 10/4/2015
  271. Kar 10/6/2015
  272. Kar 10/7/2015
  273. sahi 10/8/2015
  274. Adanne 10/10/2015
  275. Kar 10/10/2015
    • Grace 9/9/2016
  276. joelyn 10/12/2015
  277. Shereen 10/18/2015
  278. Adanne 11/2/2015
    • Samanta 3/13/2016
  279. GODIsReal 11/12/2015
  280. Adanne 11/12/2015
  281. Wen 11/15/2015
  282. grace 11/19/2015
  283. Indigo 11/20/2015
  284. Adanne 11/20/2015
  285. Wen 11/22/2015
  286. Ruby 11/23/2015
  287. Adanne 11/25/2015
    • Wen 3/6/2016
  288. Kar 11/26/2015
  289. MOSES 11/27/2015
  290. Kar 11/28/2015
  291. D. Lynn Keisner 12/3/2015
  292. christi 12/7/2015
  293. Chevez 12/10/2015
    • Samanta 3/13/2016
  294. Brenda 12/10/2015
  295. Chiki 12/17/2015
  296. Rebekah M 12/20/2015
  297. Gloriah 12/29/2015
  298. Zeetweet 1/10/2016
  299. eve 1/15/2016
  300. Emmanuel 1/29/2016
  301. katie 2/9/2016
  302. cavan 2/12/2016
  303. Wen 3/4/2016
  304. Ankitha 3/8/2016
    • NA 3/20/2016
      • Ankitha 7/30/2016
  305. Samanta 3/13/2016
    • Emory 3/15/2016
      • Samanta 3/16/2016
      • Samanta 3/16/2016
        • Emory 3/16/2016
  306. malima 3/16/2016
  307. Godson 3/18/2016
    • Emory 3/19/2016
    • NA 3/20/2016
  308. NA 3/20/2016
    • David Daniel 4/9/2016
  309. mia 3/23/2016
    • NA 3/28/2016
  310. Brisingr_av 3/31/2016
  311. Cjn 4/5/2016
    • David 4/9/2016
  312. David Daniel 4/9/2016
  313. Alicia 4/10/2016
  314. Wen 4/15/2016
  315. Viola 4/21/2016
  316. Jaylynn 4/26/2016
  317. divya joshi 4/30/2016
  318. Sarda 5/4/2016
  319. Brisingr_av 5/5/2016
  320. Brisingr_av 5/5/2016
    • Sarda 5/5/2016
  321. Jennifer 5/6/2016
    • Tapas 5/6/2016
  322. benni 5/7/2016
  323. Hephziba 5/7/2016
  324. Akshay 5/9/2016
  325. Jennifer 5/9/2016
  326. Bolu 5/9/2016
  327. Angela 5/11/2016
    • marie 6/3/2016
    • Sapna 6/29/2019
  328. Selom 5/12/2016
  329. eve 5/15/2016
  330. Tracy 5/17/2016
  331. Sara 5/23/2016
    • marie 6/3/2016
  332. Stacey 6/5/2016
  333. Irene 6/24/2016
  334. irene 7/2/2016
  335. katie 7/11/2016
  336. Swagata 8/1/2016
  337. nana 8/9/2016
  338. Swagata 9/2/2016
  339. Grace 9/9/2016
  340. Komal 10/2/2016
  341. Angie 10/19/2016
  342. Mrudhula 10/28/2016
  343. Atang 11/10/2016
  344. Sj 12/6/2016
  345. henrietta 1/13/2017
  346. missy 4/26/2017
  347. Osemudiamen 5/17/2017
    • Jen 6/1/2017
  348. hahamytiara 5/18/2017
  349. Jen 6/1/2017
  350. Reena 6/6/2017
  351. AJ 7/14/2017
  352. Mical 8/4/2017
  353. Ayana 8/11/2017
  354. Mical 8/15/2017
  355. Future Lawyer 11/21/2017
  356. Milton 12/11/2017
    • Mical 1/15/2018
  357. Ibiala 5/28/2018
  358. Bella 6/25/2018
    • Pri 6/25/2018
  359. Pri 6/25/2018
    • Pri 8/19/2018
  360. Babatunde 8/10/2018
  361. Princess 8/22/2018
  362. Goodness 8/30/2018
  363. Tim 10/5/2018
  364. Tim 10/5/2018
  365. P 10/22/2018
  366. Pri 6/16/2019
  367. Simone 6/17/2019
  368. Snehal Saju 7/8/2021
  369. Ketan Rindani 12/22/2024

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