“We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.”
Looking back to my journey as student, I remember how God worked in my life and I’ve seen how amazing His love is. I was five back then when I first entered school and during that year I really hated going to school.
The next school year came which marked the start of a great blessing in my life. I graduated as a top student in class. Year after year, by God’s grace, I’ve always been on the top. It was a great honor indeed, but it always came with great responsibility.
Pressure started to build up. With the help of God, I had many achievements but at the same time there were disappointments and failures. But at a very young age, my dad who was a pastor, taught me how to pray and to trust in God. Every night I would spend some time to pray to God, thank Him and ask for His help and blessing.
Years passed, and God answered my biggest prayer, to graduate from elementary as a class valedictorian. The time came for me to enter high school. It was a new chapter of my life, a new challenge, a new experience. As a student with big dreams and aspirations, life turned tougher. There were many intelligent people in class and the competition for becoming the top student became fiercer and I knew that I had to give it my best shot.
For four years in high school, I studied really really hard. While everyone is having fun, I would be at home reviewing my lessons or doing school projects and homework. While the others were watching television, I was be at my room reading my notes. During these years, life was never easy. I was forced to do things that I don’t feel like doing such as joining the choir, or doing extemporaneous speech and others just to earn points. Failures, disappointments, embarrassments stroked me down.
Sometimes I would feel that I’ve been cheated on. Sometimes I would lock my door and cry in secret. But amidst those challenges and trials that I’ve encountered, I would always pray and not give up. I would always spare some of my time to read my bible and to pray to God to seek for his help and guidance every night. During those years I learned to trust in God and He blessed me with many achievements. With God’s help, I won a lot of competitions, I became a student leader and of course God answered my prayer again to graduate from high school as the class valedictorian.
Since I was young, my ultimate dream was to become a civil engineer, or an architect and I really prepared myself for that. But during my last year in high school, God led me to take an examination for a known scholarship provided by one of the government agencies. I really prayed to God for months for me to pass the said scholarship. This is the only way for me to be able to go to the city to take my college education.
By God’s grace, I passed the examination. I thought everything would be alright. But not, there was a big problem. If I am going to take the scholarship, it would mean giving up my dream to be an architect or engineer. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life. Should I follow the dream I’ve carried for a very long time or should I take the opportunity to go to a good university and helping my parents from financial burden. As always, I would pray to God to ask for his guidance and for Him to help me trust in His plan.
College came. I enrolled a degree in Information Technology. It was heartbreaking that I didn’t get what I wanted. I believed that it was God who led me to a different path. All I did was to trust in Him believing that God has a better plan, and He absolutely knows what is best for me.
As always, there had been up and down moments. I experienced problems, troubles, worries, disappointments and burdens. But this time it was different for I’ve grown more mature spiritually as a believer. In everything, I’ve learn to trust and lean on Him alone that even if things don’t go as what I expected them to be, I know that he has prepared something better.
Life may be tough but always remember that we’ve got a God who’s tougher. I know that He had always been the source of my strength as I walked through this journey. As the bible says, in times of trouble I would always pray, and in times of joy I would give thanks to him. I’ve learned that prayer was one of the key to my successful journey. In proverbs it says,
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.”
It was a very long journey indeed, and I know that God has always been walking with me by my side. A few weeks ahead, I’ll be marching to receive my diploma I’m expecting to graduate with Latin honor. And one more, I have not graduated yet but he has already given me a job. I believe that this great accomplishment in my life was because of Him alone. It’s not because of my own strength but by His grace only. I give Him all the glory, praises and adoration.
I am trusting God to give me the best grades in IELTS reading,writing, listening and speaking.Nothing less than 8 in all of the exams ,come 15th March 2019…God answers prayers, and there is nothing impossible with Him, please you all to join me in prayers .I vow to come back here and give God the glory,and also testify to everyone how Great He is.