I was baptized on Palm Sunday in 2006. Ever since, I have been struggling with many issues in my life. And almost to the point of giving up. I have prayed and asked for forgiveness for my backsliding, and it feels like I can never reach the point of spirituality I had in 2006.
In 2006, I experienced happiness, sadness, every possible obstacle that I could bear. Some were victories, others were losing battles, all were overcome with the help of the Lord in Jesus Name. Right now, I’m struggling with my life, whether its financial problems, mental and physical health problems, I just can’t seem to overcome them.
I have thanked the Lord graciously because I know my situation could be much worse and have prayed for those suffering tremendously. I “had” a little inkling of hope that maybe one day the Lord would remember me and bless me with the strength to make it. Every day, it’s getting harder and harder for me to deal with.
I pray, but I don’t experience the spiritual connection I had with God in 2006. It feels like what I have done or said for that matter is unforgivable and therefore shall not receive any reprieve. I understand suffering is a way of life…your weaknesses are glorified in the Lord. I understand that Christ died for our sins.
It’s the “feeling” that I can’t overcome my situation, that drags me further into the pit of hopelessness. My prayers seem futile in comparison with the sins I have committed. When the loneliness in this world becomes unbearable, I have always believed in turning to the Lord for understanding and strength. But when that doesn’t work, and all of your prayers go unanswered, what can I do?
Thanks for taking the time to read my testimony. It’s not a testimony of joy, but nonetheless it’s my testimony.
Hello Chick, Do not loose hope, keep waiting on God’s promises. God’s ways are not ours and our thoughts are not God’s ones! God’s ways and thoughts are always the best for us. He has good plans for you!
just wondering if you’re connected to a church? maybe someone could pray for you there?
Ecclesiastes 4:10-15
Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
I hope this helps.
Hi chick615
If you truly trusted in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and sincerely called up the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation then be assured He heard you and knows you. How can you know this? Because His Words says so.
That is the key to your deliverance from everything that attacks your faith in Christ. THE WORD. Go to the promises God has made and bring them before God in prayer believing that He hears you and that He ALWAYS keeps His promises.
Do not rely on anything you feel or see – just keep on speaking out the promises of God and refusing to doubt them no matter what you go through.
The fact is we are not called to believe was we see but to SEE what we believe. Sounds crazy when everything around you seems to deny and contradict what God has promised. You will find that God will not leave you helpless. He is your FATHER and really does care for you and He will FIND a way to get through to you with his answer and He will delivery you. No matter what.
DO NOT rely on anything else but God’s word. Feelings, thoughts, circumstances are not the truth. Although they may feel and look like they are true.
Do not forget my friend also that you have an enemy who is very busy but he is defeated totally at Calvary. The only thing he can do is deceive you and he does this mostly through your own feelings. Faith WILL bring you the victory.
How do I know? It worked for me. I proved it to be so.
Religion won’t meet your need. But Jesus really will. But the Kingdom of God works by faith not by sight. But that does not mean you won’t see what you believe for. God’s word is more real than anything you feel or see.
If you do this and refuse to accept the devil’s lies you will prove that God is faithful. He has never failed yet.
Don’t try and understand God’s ways just trust Him anyway. THEN you will SEE that He means what He says and will do what He promised.
Added to the above. I have proved God through many trials, problems, failures, seeming defeats, disappointments, even depressions, family problems etc for OVER 40 years. He always has delivered me and taught me how to avoid the effect of problems. And as I have walked with Him He has taught me how to live in victory not matter what comes my way.
I have been where you are at, recognize that what you are feeling is just what the devil wants you to feel, he wants you to lose hope, but don’t jesus is with you he only wants you to talk to him, he will fill you again, Go to an apostolic church and let the elders pray over you, go to that altar over and over I guarantee you will be refilled
Dear sister in Christ,
i have gone thru for what ever happening to u, my advise try to think about yourself, have you fully accept Jesus in your life? if yes, you have no more worried to yourself, surrender the whole of your life to Jesus and don’t let the worried and whatever obstacles blocking you to be with Him. (Be Thankful, Repent & rejoice) May God Bless.