Dear All,
I am here with the hope to understand Christianity and become a Christian. I know this is not the right place to ask for help but I really want you all to help me. About me, I am from India, pursuing my Masters for United States. I saw a friend of mine, who is a Christian and his girlfriend (who belongs to the same community as I, but got converted into Christian) pray each night. I did not know anything about it but I prayed with them twice.
After I prayed the first night, I slept but I could not sleep properly. I felt some sort of uneasiness and was really scared for some reason … in a bad way. The next day was really bad. I fought with my room mates, my boyfriend, bunked my lecture. But by evening, everything got alright … as though nothing had happened earlier in the morning. The next time I prayed (I tried…maybe not in the right format…but I said that I want Lord Christ to take control of my life) and still, early in the morning, I dreamt about a headless snake.
I got scared … and eventually stopped praying.
Then, I developed severe pain in my left ankle. I still went over to my friend’s place and slept there. Next morning, my pain had lessened to great extent. I don’t know if they (my friends) prayed for me that night or not … but I just could not believe it.
I really want to form a relationship with God. I need him to be with me as I feel lonely at so many times. I am a sinner, I know it but I am really not that bad. Can anyone please help me form this relationship with him. All I want is peace in my life…and nothing else!
I wish to write more … to explain more … but it’s really difficult to explain how it feels when you get stuck between … I don’t know. I’m not able to write anymore.
Please help me.
Hi Aakanksha,
My wife and I read your story and are moved to pray for you.
Since you are finding it difficult to pray when alone, would you be able to ask your friends who you prayed with before to pray together with you? It is important as you start your relationship with Christ that you be around other Christians, go to church and fellowship with them. We believers are all one body, the scriptures say.
And, if you ask the Lord Jesus Christ to take control of your life, you are definitely starting out right. Just believe, trust in Him, and call him “Lord.” Don’t worry too much about the format as God looks on your heart.
If you have a bible, check out some scriptures like this:
“For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40).
Here’s another comment in response to Irfan about becoming a Christian. Might help as well. Please reply back when you are able and let us know how you are doing.
If you want to become a Christian, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, believe He is the Son of God, He died on the cross for our sins, rose, and that He is coming back again.
Also, begin to attend church with your friends, and ask questions about what you don’t understand. Read prayer books, your bible, and pray. Once you begin to build a relationship with God, He will show Himself strong and mighty in EVERY area of your life.
God Bless.
The best thing is to go to a church that preaches the gospel and reads the Holy Bible. Maybe you can go to church with your friends and let the pastor know you want to accept Jesus Christ.
i know how is it feel
to be like that… but as the moment
you surrender your life to Jesus..
everything that will happen in your life will be under His control..
just pray..without ceasing ..believing and renewing of mind, .
our relationship to HIM will start on prayer..
dont let hindrances just like your dreams come to a point that you will stop on praying ..for the enemy will find a way causing you to depart from the Lord Jesus!
God bless!
Dear sister,for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son(Jesus Christ)whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have an everlasting life(John 3:16).Jesus is the only way wee can have a relationship with God.I will pray for you.
I hope I havent come across your Request too late. What an exciting Journey you are already on. I know all too well how overwhelming it can be to begin a relationship with the almight God! But I must say…. the foundation is laid my friend. The first action to take is simple, just as the others have commented. Confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Believe that God sent his only begotten son to die for all of our sin. And believe that on the third day, he arose from the dead! (how exciting, and powerful… Jesus is alive!) That is the first step, Jesus Christ desires you deeply. He desires to save you, and be Lord in your life. I know you asked for peace, and my friend, peace you will have! But living as a christian isnt always rainbows and butterflies…. You will have difficult days, but the peace is knowing that God never fails!!! When you put yourself in God’s hands, all will work together for His good! Dont try to figure out all your problems right now, just stay focused on building your relationship with God… Just like you would any other relationship… talk to Him… He might not speak in an audible voice… but He WILL speak in your heart…
I must say, after asking God into your life, you dreamed of a headless snake… wow!!! I believe that to be a dream from God himself!… The devil has been defeated! I believe the headless snake to be the devil, and he no longer has power in your life!
Dont ever stop praying! There is power in prayer! Prayer, Reading the Word, singing praises to God, and having fellowship with other christians have proven to be a definate faith and relationship builder with God…
May God bless you above and beyond!…..