Girl looking out over city

Help me Build a Relationship with Christ

Dear All,

I am here with the hope to understand Christianity and become a Christian. I know this is not the right place to ask for help but I really want you all to help me. About me, I am from India, pursuing my Masters for United States. I saw a friend of mine, who is a Christian and his girlfriend (who belongs to the same community as I, but got converted into Christian) pray each night. I did not know anything about it but I prayed with them twice.

After I prayed the first night, I slept but I could not sleep properly. I felt some sort of uneasiness and was really scared for some reason … in a bad way. The next day was really bad. I fought with my room mates, my boyfriend, bunked my lecture. But by evening, everything got alright … as though nothing had happened earlier in the morning. The next time I prayed (I tried…maybe not in the right format…but I said that I want Lord Christ to take control of my life) and still, early in the morning, I dreamt about a headless snake.

I got scared … and eventually stopped praying.

Then, I developed severe pain in my left ankle. I still went over to my friend’s place and slept there. Next morning, my pain had lessened to great extent. I don’t know if they (my friends) prayed for me that night or not … but I just could not believe it.

I really want to form a relationship with God. I need him to be with me as I feel lonely at so many times. I am a sinner, I know it but I am really not that bad. Can anyone please help me form this relationship with him. All I want is peace in my life…and nothing else!

I wish to write more … to explain more … but it’s really difficult to explain how it feels when you get stuck between … I don’t know. I’m not able to write anymore.

Please help me.


  1. Emory 3/11/2012
  2. Kay 3/11/2012
  3. iamredeemed 3/12/2012
  4. irene 3/14/2012
  5. Rex Sungte 3/14/2012
  6. Moore 3/19/2012

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