Person by Sea - Healing

Healed of HSV 2

Let me start by saying God is more than good and he hears your every need and desire. I told myself that once I received my negative results that I would come back to share my testimony. The testimonials on here really helped keep my faith alive during such a trying time. 

I started dating this guy in January of last year and he was the only person I was sleeping with at the time. We initially “tried” using condoms but eventually, we just threw away the thought. I trusted him and felt like he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else so I wasn’t too worried.

Six months into dating him, around July I found out that he was still sexually active with the mother of his child. A week before me finding out, we had sex and when I look back I know we weren’t supposed to that day. It was like something in my spirit was telling me, no. My period had even come on but I was too drunk and didn’t care, we still ended up doing it. I told myself that if I did have an STD it was completely my fault because I ignored all of the signs. I immediately set up an appointment to go get checked just to be safe.

Around this same time, I got a Brazilian wax and was experiencing bumps down there. My skin is sensitive and I’ve had the same thing happen before when I got a wax so in my head I’m like okay it could be from the wax but then my mind started thinking what if it’s herpes. I see the doctor and he looks at the bumps and he says “I can tell by looking at them that its folliculitis” aka hair bumps. I told him that I still wanted to be tested for herpes and everything else just to be sure.

My results come back a few days later and everything is negative. I’m so relieved and thankful to God. I and the guy originally stopped talking after I found out that he was still dealing with his baby’s mom but around October we started back dating and since my results came back negative I proceeded to have sex with him unprotected. 

Fast forward to January of this year, it was time to have my physical done. As you know when you have a physical you have to get blood work done and you also have the option of being tested. I decided to be tested for everything once again. There were no worries that anything would come back positive.

The guy and I were doing pretty well, he finally asked me to be his girlfriend, we just made up and had sex the day before and life was good. Wrong.

I work at the doctor’s office where I had my physical done so once my results came back I had access to them right away. Two days later the first thing in the morning, I clear off the fax machine and there are my results. I’m reading through them like okay negative for this, that, and then I see “Hepatitis B antibody reactive…” I look down further at the herpes sections and my levels for HSV 2 are in the equivocal range… I immediately go to my doctor’s office and asked if she could review my results with me.

She begins to look and tell me that I’m positive for Hep B and HSV 2. I was so confused. With no hesitation, she’s like there’s nothing we can do about the Hep B just make sure you’re eating lots of greens and I’m going to prescribe you something for your herpes outbreaks. I’m like I haven’t had any outbreaks… my results are in the equivocal range so isn’t it possible that this is wrong? She says it’s possible but still take the medication to be safe and then we’ll retest for it. I instantly started crying just thinking about having to deal with this disease for the rest of my life and having to carry this guilt and shame.

I was brought up a Christian and I know that often your first reaction can determine the outcome of your situation, so as soon as I left out that office my words were “I don’t have this disease, I’m healed” but in my mind, I was still in doubt. I text the guy right away and told him my results. He was shocked and was like he hadn’t had any outbreaks and it’s no way those results were right. I asked him who had he slept with besides me and once again it was his baby’s mother. I’m like well clearly she’s sleeping with someone else because how are my results like this.

Eventually, he gets tested and his results come back completely negative. I’m automatically relieved because I know he’s the only person that I’ve been with for the past year so if he’s negative then I’m definitely negative. The whole situation put a strain on our relationship and once his results came back he completely just stopped communicating with me. 

Now that you all know the backstory, here’s where my testimony really starts. So keep in mind I’ve never had an outbreak. Until three days after taking the medication, I notice some bumps. I could tell right away that these weren’t hair bumps just because of where they were, how they looked and how painful they were. This was the first time I really believed that I had herpes. I dropped to my knees and started pouring out tears, pleading with God to have mercy on me and heal me.

Here’s what you have to know, God has already healed you of any sickness or disease when he died on the cross for you 2000 years ago. From that day on I knew I had to build up my faith and get filled with the word. There hasn’t been a time where God hasn’t come through for me but with this situation, it was harder for me to believe that I was healed because all the symptoms where there. The devil will trick you into believing you’re not healed by making symptoms appear but you are! No matter what the symptoms or the doctors say, you can’t be moved by that. The word says you’re healed so you’re healed.

I started listening to sermons on healing in the shower, driving in the car, everywhere. At work, I would read the testimonials on this site. I prayed in tongues. I even reached out to a pastor to have him pray for me. For over a month I cut out anything that I felt like would disrupt my healing. One of the sermons from my pastor, Creflo Dollar talked about how communion is like medicine. For a week straight I took communion in remembrance of Jesus’s blood which cleansed us and his broken body which made us whole. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have actual communion elements, use a cracker or cookie, whatever you have. Proverbs 4:20-22 says My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.”

This was one of the scriptures that really helped me because I knew if I stayed in God’s word then I could take a hold of healing. 

Get any negative thought you have of God trying to punish you or teach you a lesson by giving you this disease. God is a God of love, it’s not in him to bring you sickness or pain. Another scripture that spoke to me was Psalm 103:1-22 He forgives ALL of our sins and heals ALL our diseases. The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.

John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Sickness and diseases are a curse and of the devil. Under God’s new covenant of grace we don’t receive any of curses but only blessings. Use your authority and take hold of your healing. You don’t have to accept this diagnosis. Every day won’t be easy. Even while doing all of this there where somedays were I felt defeated and a lone. I would break down and cry just thinking about it but you have to stay consistent. As soon as a negative thought pops up, open your mouth and say by his stripes I am healed.

In the bible, there’s a story that talks about God healing a woman who said to herself “If I can just touch the hem of Jesus’s robe than surely she would be healed”. Jesus felt her touch him and turned around and said Mark 5:34 “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be healed of your disease.” Wow. We live in an age where the bible is Jesus’s robe so if we read it and be filled with it, then we too will be healed of our diseases. That scripture is one of the ones that spoke volumes to me and I thought if he healed her then I know he’ll heal me. Go to God with expectancy in your heart. Say, God, “You’re not a God who can lie if your word says it then it has to come to pass. Your word says I am healed. Because your word is true, I’m expecting negative test results. In Jesus name.”

Fast forward to almost two months later, I finally felt ready to be retested. When you’re ready you’ll feel it in your spirit, it’s like a sense a peace. I got retested for herpes and Hep B. As I’m sitting in the chair getting my blood drawn I’m reciting scriptures and repeating by his stripes I am healed. Every day at work I’m checking my chart to see if my results came back yet.

A week later the results are in and my heart drops. I open the tab and see reactive Hep B antibody and negative for HSV 2! Even though my Hep B said reactive I was still so grateful that I was healed of HSV 2. Then something told me to google Hep B. When we’re babies we get a vaccine for Hep B which is supposed to prevent us from getting the disease and I had gotten the shot. So I did my research and my Hep A and C were non-reactive but B antibody was reactive. Which means I didn’t have it!!!!! My doctor realized that she interpreted the results wrong. I never had Hep B. Just when I thought God only answered my prayers for healing for one disease, I was free from the other. Never doubt God or put any limitations on what he can do. Since then I haven’t any outbreaks and have vowed to stay celibate until marriage. I know God will do the same for you. Just stay prayerful and consistent! 

These are the steps my pastor talks about obtaining healing. I can’t remember the exact video but if you go on Youtube and search Creflo Dollar sermon on healing you’ll find it. 

Step 1: Go to the word. The word is the final authority, not the doctor’s report.

Step 2: Rest in the finish works of healing. If you believe that you’re healed you shouldn’t be stressing or worrying. Give your problems to God and rest, while he works on your behalf. 

Step 3: Labor to rest in healing. Meaning while God is working on your behalf do your part by speaking in agreement with the word, praise, and worship, help others in need and get the focus of your situation and laugh. (It helps)

Step 4: Believe in God’s love for you. God loves you too much to not heal you. Believe that and speak it. 

Step 5: Communion. Communion is the most powerful medicine. Take in remembrance of what God has already done. 

Step 6: Take authority over your negative thoughts. Whenever a negative thought appears cast it down with your mouth. 

Step 7: Understand spiritual warfare. The devil is going to try and convince you that you’re not healed. Maintain your healing in the midst of this. 

Step 8: Worship and praise. Listen to gospel music.

Step 9: Be open to wisdom. 

Step 10: NO FEAR. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.” God had already done and finished this work of healing for you. 

All is well with you! I’m believing in agreeance for you and your healing. John 16:33 “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Remember we’re going to face trails on earth but God has already overcome them so be of good cheer. Everything we go through in life has an expiration date and I declare that yours is coming soon! In Jesus name, Amen.


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