Welcome and God`s mighty blessing to everyone reading my Testimony. I am honored and blessed to share this with a lot of Brothers and Sisters in Faith and… yeah, lets jump right in <3
So, first to know is I have a big fear of the Dentist. It has always been a struggle for me to go. I haven’t been there for years, always avoided it. A small cavity-infected tooth turned into a full-blown root canal infection with several infected teeth. When I finally decided to go 4 months ago, it was because my cheek was really swollen and I was basically forced to go to avoid further, worse inflammation.
Long story short, it wasn’t that bad but due to all the stress in fear for me it was horrible. I was alone, scared and the anesthesia made me feel nauseous. When I got out, I slowly walked to the bus, on the edge of tears, due to the anesthesia made me cry. Which I didn’t know at the time, which made things 10 times worse. I felt really alone in that moment.
Till I walked past a man.
He was handing out flyers. He was maybe 49 – 50. I´m not sure if he spoke my language, and I didn’t care at that moment. I took one without looking at it really and kept slowly walking.
When I looked down at it, it was a flyer about God, joining a church and explained what true healing was. I felt him right with me at that moment. I knew I wasn’t alone after that. He showed me that when I was all alone and broken, he was right there, not leaving my side under whatever circumstances. He showed me that he will help me through it and is always on my side.
I used to have such a big fear of the dentist too. I would go in to have a cavity filled and they’d give me Novocain and it wouldn’t work. I hated the sound of that drill and the smell of the disintegrating tooth matter. Thank God He is faithful to his word (Hebrews 13:5 ESV):
Thanks for sharing your story, Nicole.
Hi Nicole, thanks for your testimony and I understood you quite well. Between 2022 and 2023 I had to submit to the excruciating pains and have 5 teeth extracted within about 6 months! Infact a lady I met at the dentist’s place compared tooth pains to child birth pains! So thank God for His intervention. He surely is present help in times of trouble, whatever trouble.
Praise God.