A few days ago, I decided to change my prayer points to thanksgiving for what I could title – A HARVEST OF MIRACLES THRU THE YEARS. Here are some of them:
– I remember when I was about 4 years old, I was outside the house playing and after some time I began walking backwards away from a strange woman who seemed to scare me, and I didn’t know an open well was right behind me. I tripped over the slightly raised opening and fell over with my head hanging over the water, and I saw the surface of the water about 10 ft below me, but God held my legs to the ground, and I wasn’t thrust into the water!
– In 1998, I was driving very fast to go pick up a sister from school about three hours away, on a road I wasn’t familiar with. I forgot there was a very sharp right bend on a portion of that road. When I reached it suddenly, I almost lost control, the speed was too much to take the bend, and the car skidded with very loud noises of the burning tires on the hot tarred road, from my lane across to the loose gravel of the left shoulder of the left lane, just seconds away from going off the road completely and summersaulting. But God saved me- firstly no oncoming vehicles were on that other lane and my car miraculously didn’t overturn too! Scared me till date remembering it. It was YOU Daddy, praise God.
– In 2004 I returned home one evening with my wife. I sat down in the living room watching the TV while my wife and other family members were either in the kitchen or bedroom area. Just then I heard a voice say – “people are trying to kill you and you are here playing, go inside and pray” In shock at who was talking because I was all alone there, nevertheless I obeyed and went to my bedroom, knelt down and for a few minutes didn’t even know what to say. Eventually a Praise song came to my mind in a local language I didn’t understand the lyrics but knew the melody, I hummed the portion of the chorus I remembered and spoke out the only 2 words I knew, which translates in English to King Jesus. I did this over and over and didn’t know when tears appeared in my eyes. The following morning at a junction, a biker ran into the passenger’s side of my car and fell over. At that time in my city, bikers were notorious for setting cars ablaze that were involved in RTA with their members. First miracle, though they gathered around me in their numbers, they didn’t attack me but rather loaded their injured colleague into my car and pleaded with me to rush him to a nearby hospital because he was unresponsive (in a coma). A policewoman who also witnessed the accident followed us. There the doctors couldn’t understand why he was in a coma and just placed him on drips. I was so scared thinking he was dead. I stood outside the room for about an hour which seemed like 10 hours, and I told God – if you don’t show up now I’m dead! And miraculously after a while the man sat up and he was completely uninjured! Regained his senses, started screaming and searching his pockets for the money he had on him. Everyone around bursted out laughing. I called his family who came and begged me to help transport him to a government hospital (the hospital we were at was one of the most expensive private hospitals in the city) for more checks. There he was also declared alright. I had to report myself to the police station and after some administrative procedures I was left off the hook. I know the devil had planned a big problem for me, but God said No!
– In 2003 a relative abroad sent me a huge amount of money for a building project. About the end of the foundation stage, a nearby quarry started harassing me that the land belonged to them. They got the local government (county) officials to give me a stop work order and invited me to their office for a meeting. Two times I went and twice they failed to appear. So, the project was stalled. I was beyond worried! I was scared, intimidated and had nowhere to turn to for help because it was a big company, and I feared they had bribed the government officials to do their bidding. I was so scared and angry I can’t remember I even prayed. But God who is rich in mercy showed up one night. I had a strange dream; I saw a silhouette of the mother of Jesus on the hills overlooking the project site. And from then, I never heard from them again… in fact a week later I heard same government had closed down that quarry!!! To this date they remained closed.
– In 1998 I had just dropped off my fiancé at her university hostel. And as I drove out some ladies under a tree started whistling to me to get my attention. Initially I ignored them but then I looked back thinking it might be her friends. As I didn’t recognize them, I continued – just in time to see that three young kids returning from school were just crossing the road in front of me! As I hit on the breaks the car still hit two of them, but they weren’t injured. If I had remained distracted for a second longer, it would most likely have become a bad accident. But God intervened at the right time. This incident still gives me goosebumps to this day because whenever I remember it, I still see the frightened eyes of the kids. The innocence in them hits me to this day. And I say- Thank you Jesus.
– I don’t know many people who aren’t a little afraid of air travel. I am not. But in 2005, I was in a one-hour flight to another city and all of a sudden, I was blanketed by this heavy cloud of fear. The usual one-hour flight felt like much more. I looked around me and everyone else and everything looked fine. I mumbled some prayers and had my heart in my mouth till we landed. I took another airline for my return. Now this had never happened before or since then. The following week, that same plane was involved in one of the worst crashes in aviation history of this country! If I had known what I know now, I would have prayed and even gotten more people to pray for that airline which closed down after that accident, who knows maybe God would have averted it.
– In 2012 there was an SUV I admired but couldn’t afford. Seven years later I saw one on sale, but the cost was now less than a third of the cost in 2012. It looked in great shape and I scouted for money and bought it. A few days later I realized it had difficulty starting up in the mornings especially. A mechanic I took it to recommended the injector be serviced. After the servicing it wouldn’t start. For 3 days they struggled to start it till one of them noticed on the fourth day that there was a pin they had forgotten to insert back somewhere below the injector. And as soon as that was done it started. Meanwhile on the second day as they were still struggling to start it a big chunk of debris shot out of the injector. They now realized that that was the problem the vehicle had that the previous owner sold it off. And there was no way the previous mechanics could decipher that there was a blockage deep inside the engine. So as these ones were struggling to start for two days using battery after battery the debris was inadvertently being forced out gradually from the depths until it shot out! God saved again by a mistake they made. Talk of God’s mysterious ways!
– Two weeks ago, I had a very impactful dream that involved a scripture from Revelations. Now I believe the full interpretation is still loading, but there was a part of it I didn’t understand – there was a woman in a wheelchair. A week later my wife had a very impactful dream also which like mine we believe had a very deep meaning too. But also, like mine, there was a lady in a wheelchair! Two days ago, I was supposed to drop her off at a bus stop about three blocks from the house for her to catch her office bus. But when we got there, I changed my mind and decided to take her further to another bus stop about 2 Kms away on my way to drop off my son at his school still further away. Now on my return after dropping off my son about 20 minutes later, I saw there had been a head on collision involving two vehicles at that first bus stop I usually dropped her. One vehicle was flung to the right close to where she normally stood and the other to the left opposite where she normally stood. And I was thankful I had changed my mind. I immediately parked by the roadside to call and tell her. Only for her to tell me that even where I had dropped her by the other bus stop, an SUV almost ran her over while trying to park! But there was a big piece of concrete by them that stopped the SUV! Then I remembered the two dreams and the two women in wheelchairs, and I believe that it was no coincidence. The devil had established to do evil, but God intervened Twice!! Praise God!!!
Count your many blessings name them one by one and it would suprise you what the Lord has done. Our God is good and his mercies endureth for ever. He is always there for his children. May the Lord continue to preserve you and your family, divine intervention in all areas of your life.
I think it’s so good that we keep account of the miraculous stories our Heavenly Father creates in us during our time here on earth. Psalm 77:11 ESV says:
May God continue the harvest of miracles He is working in your life brother.
Very powerful and inspiring. Thank you.