Raising Arms in the Air

God’s Love Saved Me From All

I believed in God just because everyone told me to, but I came to know him more through this experience of my life which made me realise that no matter what we can have all that we want but there is nothing more loving and caring as our Lord Jesus.

When I fell down with my problems no one stood for me but my God’s love for me raised me up from the worst, so much that no matter what I do I will never be able to thank Him for all that he has done for me. He saved me from every hell and took care of me like his loving child. I could never thank you for all of it Jesus.

I had such problems in my relationships that it completely tore me apart. I went so crazy as I had no hold over what was happening and all that I wanted was never to lose this guy in my life so much that to gain him I went to wrong ways worshipped other gods.

But still things went worse to the worst. I lost hope in all but when I was upset, I use to sit with the bible and ask God what do you want from me and all that I came across is fight and I will be with you. Keeping faith in this I fought for my relation at every step I found God’s presence more and more stronger which gave me the strength to fight all that came my way. I left everything in his hands and to my surprise things worked my way my faith paid all that I hoped for my Jesus never left me but He at every point caught my hand and lead me.

Today I testify His holy name for all the amazing miracles He worked. He turned the impossible to possible for true for nothing is impossible for Him. He is possible and only He… all that he asks of us is just to have faith in him for he will never let you down no matter who leaves you he will never abandon you no matter what your facing. He’s the best friend, parent, brother or sister you can ever have all he asks you is to trust Him and pray to Him ask Him for all that you want.

He will never turn back on you or forsake you cos he didn’t do that to me. We all are his lovable children so no matter what, trust Him and let Him take control. I thank you for everything my Lord and forever will be grateful to you for all that you have done to me. Please always be with me and protect me from all. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS FOR NOW AND FOREVER.


  1. Joe Will Scofield 8/30/2017
  2. Mansi 8/31/2017

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