Hello this is my testimony of how God saved me.
So, I applied for this course online which is 8,000. At the time I couldn’t really afford it, but they offered monthly installments, and I accepted knowing my financial state. As the days went by, I started to regret my choice, I didn’t want to do it anymore, so I called them and they said they didn’t think I could cancel it as I called late, and I reached the maximum days to call it off. They told me to call the next day to discuss of my outcome.
So that night I just started reading psalms out loud, anything that had to do with distress and helplessness, I prayed to him, and I put my trust in him. The next morning, I did the same, I read psalms out loud again and prayed. Then I called them and low and behold, the Lord answered my prayer. I was debt free, and I was able to cancel it.
The moral of the story here is put your faith and trust in God and he will answer. He will be your rock and refuge through the times of distress. Only God can undo the situation you put yourself in, so brothers and sisters, always have faith in God, and don’t be afraid to call on Him, He will answer like he did for me.