God has had a hand on my life since I promised to follow Him in my mid-teens. I soon walked away from Him but thankfully He did not abandon me and protected me on multiple occasions.
When I was in my early 20’s my weekends usually ended the same way most Friday and Saturday nights. We had a nightclub named GoldDiggers. It was so popular it earned the title of Best in the Southwest. We had big bands play regularly in the building that was a conversion of an old cinema and there was even a pub attached called The Bit on the Side. It was very busy every week and, on this night, we were, as usual, headed there.
My boyfriend wanted to get a drink first, so we headed to a little pub on the main road in a nearby town. After ordering a pint of Guinness and for me a red wine we chose the one free small round table that was in the bay window overlooking the road.
Two minutes passed and I suddenly began to feel sick with fear. I knew without doubt I needed to go home. I felt the urgency that something was very wrong with my mum. I was close to both my parents but particularly with my mother and it was the one thing after having lost both my sisters too young that I was absolutely terrified of. Death had become so real that I lived in constant fear of losing her too.
I got up immediately and insisted we left. He started trying to argue with me after all we’d literally just left home and when we said goodbye my mum had been sat sewing, watching a film perfectly fine.
I began to get upset. The longer he stalled, the worse my panic was. I knew we had to go. So, grumbling loudly he tried to quickly sink his whole pint as I pulled him out the door. By now I was nearly crying.
We drove at breakneck speed back to Chippenham but as soon as the town was in sight the feeling immediately disappeared just as fast as it had begun. Really confused I got him to stop at a phone box and I called her. She was perfectly fine. Embarrassed I had to tell him there was nothing wrong to which he said he thought I was losing my marbles. So, after a few choice words we put it to one side, went to GoldDiggers and had a great night despite the rocky start.
The following week I saw in the local news an accident that happened that very night. A lorry driver had lost control and veered off the road straight across both lanes smashing into the very pub we had been in! It hit with such force it ploughed straight across our window table and ended up embedded in the bar! It happened only 15 minutes after we left. Luckily no one was killed but had we been sat at that table we would have been under its wheels. I had been warned just in time.
When we found out the news my boyfriend was so shocked. He immediately apologised and promised never to doubt my premonitions again no matter how crazy they sounded. When I told my mum she immediately thanked God and then admitted she still prayed protection over me whenever I went on a journey, no matter how small.
Psalm 46:1 ESV:
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Praise the Lord Jesus! Congratulations.
Wow amazing God is good!!