I was child born from a normal Indian family, my dad he is partially close to Christ, but my mom is with Christ most of the time.
I was a person who never used to study anything, still now I am not. But my childhood onwards my educational life was so… Messed ie getting betting from my teachers and parents tuition teacher…etc but one day God lifted my head high.
Because in our church only till the 10th do we have classes, so till the 9th I used be so bad in classes such that I was always the lowest in marks, always getting last in class. Then one day my classmate’s mother told my mom that Sherin will never end up successful in our church exam, so my mom went bad she started comparing me with him etc etc… But one thing I would say is that she never lost her faith in God.
Then in the last days of the church class, I made a decision that I need to get good marks in such a way that I will get 1st for the exam. Then God heard my prayer. He was with me. He literally guided me in everything. At the end of the day, I was the one who got 1st rank, 1st rank trophy. I literally praised God almighty for that.
Just like the scripture says:
God raises up the bowed down and put down the raised one.
For everything there is a plan and purpose for God that’s what I truly believe.
Thank you,
God bless you all.
Hi, even my name is Sherin and I’m an Indian too.
I have my final exams (12th board) coming and I haven’t done my best this year. There’s just 10 days left for me.
God promised me that he would help me and deliver me [Psalm 44:3] but constantly I have doubts when I look at the chapters on how he will help me. But this encouraged me. Thanks, and may God bless u. And keep me in your prayer.