Man Praying

God Has Been Very Good to Me

Well, I am so glad that this program is up. This site is really great. I met a good friend named Sophia on this site. She is happily married now, but she helped me through a time that I was homeless.

Now I have been living in my apartment for three years and I drive a very nice white dodge neon. I have a dream job and God blessed me with a third child. So, I thank God for loving and blessing me.

I know that things are going to get better in my life. My faith is being challenged but I know that God will bring me through. At one point, I lost 30lbs in like 4 months. I gained back 15lbs. I have to stop eating bad. But I made 36 years old, and I am still looking good and healthy. So, I thank God for that.


  1. pietergabriel 2/5/2013
  2. Dominique Griffin 5/16/2017

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