Hi, I’m a college student who is having a lot of trouble with some classes. I study so hard and seek help, but nothing is clicking. I have final exams soon and it’s definitely a fail.
I have been asking God to help me with all my heart and praising him every day, but his silence is getting on my last nerve. I just quit and don’t care anymore. Please pray for me because I just broke my cellphone out of anger and I might just rip off my bible.
Just be still and try to focus…join a study group you are in my prayers.
PL. don’t think about doing such thing! Do not assume the end result before it can happen. Pray, try ur best to study and write ur exams.
Don’t behave like a rude child to God, he wants us to be good. Since u were rude to Him, don’t think he had turned his face. Our Lord is a good lord and do not assume His heart as ours! He won’t give bad for bad.
Attend few prayer meetings, not only on sunday but in week days also. If u feel u ll rip off ur bible keep it in a place where u cannot easily touch. In this mind set if u dont open bible God will not punish you. Reading the bible is for ourself and it is for us to use God’s words. For a while leave ur bible in a safe place and empty-handed attend prayer meeting also join some good set of study group.
For sure, God will pour knowledge on you while u r in the exam hall, but try to flip ur subject book. Gain some subject knowledge and God will pour the required skill to write in ur paper.
Praise the Lord, for still ur bible is safe. Amen
If I am honest everytime someone says they don’t believe in God or gives up on him it breaks my heart.
God loves you with an everlasting love, remember that and he promised to always be with you.
He promised to be with us to the end of the age.
Please dont lose faith, Please!!!
God bless, Friend xxx
Don’t lose heart…GOD is with u…take care of yourself.
read my testimony…how GOD changed my Life.
I don’t know how I passed my final year exams.I was sure I was going to fail because two papers I had written of just 38 marks and we needed 40 marks for passing. I was not sure I will pass but I kept my faith in JESUS that I will pass n my faith worked I passed my examz and I got 66% I don’t know how I got. GOD always works in a different way.
Msc first year results:
In m Msc first year I was more concentrating on GOD rather than in studies. I used to keep on reading the bible and praying. When I wrote my exams, I was sure I was going to fail in one paper. I had no hope of passing. I told my mom she shouted at me as I always used to pray n read the bible and never studied. As I was praying one day GOD told me if u believe me everything is possible, and you will pass your exams. From that day onward I kept faith and after one month my results were out, I passed that paper by just 2 marks by GODs grace I had got good marks. Really our LORD is amazing LORD.
With GOD all things are possible.
Hello dear precious child of God…
The same anger came on me during my graduation time and i was tensed by the minute troubles of my life, one night i was so frustrated that i said i can not take it anymore, i give up on you God and threw away my bible like garbage that very night a miracle happened….Lord did not count the sin i did by rejecting the word of God instead that very night he baptized me with his holy spirit, 1st december 2011, i can not forget that night when i chose to reject Christ but Christ chose to hold me forever and so just then i received a call from a blessed sister in Christ, i told him my sorrow and he prayed for me over the phone, whilst praying Jesus appeared in the spirit and baptized me with his mighty holy spirit, since then im living in God and each day is a miracle for me.
So precious child, your an apple of his eye, the day you surrendered your life to Christ it was received in heaven and well accepted never to be forsaken, so let your hands be strong, your entering into the season of blessing, be prepared for a miracle in your life for God knows your heart and your thoughts and can also feel the pain and anger your going thru, just wait and watch his mighty love over you in the coming days 🙂
Jesus loves you, he gave up his own life for you, what else cud he give? why cant we just wait on the one who gave up his life for us? its easier than giving our lives in the hands of satan so dear child remain in faith and be ready to be surprised, just repent to him and come back to him for he is waiting for you.
Just commit your case to Him. He will work it out
I am a student as well studying in the finals. I really don’t care about the outcome, although i do study as hard as I can. I know that the Lord is coming soon. All I care about is following his will, he will take care of you, don’t worry.
A follow up is posted here: https://testimonyshare.com/understand/
Study more, ask him for supernatural understanding of his true Word, and to bless your physical brain. Please do not give up on God the worse thong to do is run away from him where will you go? There is so many people out there going through so much be patient, not that this isn’t important we gotta stay grounded sister. Let me tell you a story one day my sister was running late to school and she prayed to God she wouldn’t be late and unfortunately she was late and said thanks for nohing God. She shows up late to class right after she said that and guess what the teacher was to busy and didn’t even notice, boy did she feel guilty for days. We prayed and she felt better after satan would make her feel bad and unforgiven. Sometimes we are so silly and worry about the smallest things that are fixable.