Man Passed Exam

Exam Success: Mercy

Hi everyone, my name is Israel, a first year student of the University of Ilorin. I want to glorify the name of the Lord for what He has done for me in my first semester examination. I wrote my first semester exams and as usual expecting the results in 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately COVID 19 struck and delayed the school results for almost 10 months.

During the period of waiting I was very scared, almost loosing Faith but God did it.

I prayed and believe I have succeeded.

There was a course I was so afraid I was going to have a C in. I prayed and had an A. I prayed for mercy using Romans 9:15-16 as reference.

God gave me a first class honor results in my first semester examination. I am believing in God for a better results this semester.


  1. Sinai 6/9/2021
  2. Shelly 6/10/2021

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