I must admit that I do not have any excuse for the direction my life took. It was choices I made bad choices at that. I was raised in a God-fearing home and my parents loved Jesus and went to church on a regular basis. I enjoyed church for a while but things around me started to become so attractive hence the name of the book I wrote “Deceived”
I grew up in a good Christian home but submitted to peer pressure and my own inner lust at the age of 12. I became a drug addict and an alcoholic at the age of 17 yrs.
I was drafted into the South African Navy to do military service and for me this was an opportunity to check out the drug and gang scene on the Cape flats… ‘ It rocked’, here was this white bro hitting the streets on weekends and “time off’ in this so called “nonwhite area” with a local gang called the MM. It wasn’t long and I hooked up with a girl whose brother was master of arms for MM known to be one of the largest gangs on the cape flats at that stage.
The year in the Navy turned out to be disastrous as I look back today, first my mother died while I was in the navy, I was in military hospital for drugs, I was charged for malicious damage to property when I went on the rampage in a hotel in Cape Town, man this could just not get any freaking worse.
On completion of my training my dad commented that in fact I looked worse than I did before I went into the military. Not long after the end of my military service I again met up with a member of the HELLS ANGELS JO’BURG and eventually the local Chapter in South Africa. I was at that stage the youngest member and loved fighting so earned the nickname ‘ Billy The Kid ‘. I quickly fitted into this subculture of bikes, fighting, women and some things I cannot tell. During the day I would hook up with a gang doing robberies and drugs and at night became this possessed biker who hated everyone who was not part of the ‘brotherhood’ (they were ‘peasants’) I loved hurting people the bigger the better. After many close encounters with death, God began to work and answer the prayers of a Christian mother who never stopped believing that God could deliver her son from darkness.
Things took a drastic turn after I was ‘spat out’ by society with no friends, no job, no money absolutely nothing, I had a shattered life, accidents, overdoses, an abortion, Satan worship to mention but a few things.
Now I was alone trying to start all over at the age of 21, standing on the second floor of a hostel I was approached by a young man and invited to a church service I refused and the entire weekend I could not sleep, by the Tuesday I was in such a state that I realized that I needed to get my life sorted out, I could not take this any longer in my small room I fell on my knees all alone and wept for the first time in years. I asked God if it was possible to forgive me for all I had done this continued for I don’t know how long but while I was weeping there was a knock at the door.
At first, I was embarrassed to open but the knocking was persistent, eventually I washed my face opened the door and there was a man dressed in a jacket and tie. He told me that while sitting at home God had told him that someone was in desperate need, he drove as God directed him and stopped at the hostel walked up and down the 3 story building and each time he passed my door God would urge him to knock. The minute he told me his story I knew God cared and was real and that God had just heard my desperate cry for help and forgiveness. The fact that God would send someone directly to my door overwhelmed me than and does the same for me some 34 years later.
This act of God would stay with me for the rest of my life through many difficult times I have always known that God loves and cares for me as he does for us all and he is never to busy to hear our cry for forgiveness and then we become his children he hears our every cry, prayer and supplication.
God is so good to me I was instantly delivered from drugs although I suffered with “flashbacks” for a few years it was soon over. I am now married and have 3 wonderful children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. I have been involved with youth & students for many years and God has used me over the years to share my testimony with thousands of young people from all over the world.
However, over the years I had a praying mother & father who never gave up hope that one day I would change and not just change but radically change and proclaim his word to all. Well, it happened their prayers ‘paid off ‘ God radically changed my life and now I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ it has changed my life forever. I have been kept by the power of Jesus for 34 years now and I must say that there is nothing that compares with this Christian Life so call me a “Jesus Freak” I would rather ride for the “SON” than for Satan.
If you are praying for someone or perhaps you yourself are struggling with many issues in life and you know that you need a change, a lasting one, then drop me an email via this website or should you wish to order a book please do so, the book is only 90 pages (took me 3 years to write) but its normally read in one sitting with amazing responses. It also makes the ideal gift for someone who may be struggling a troubled teenager or a biker who wants to break loose.
I could continue for days to tell what God has done for me through his Son Jesus Christ but why not try it for yourself. I am also available to share my story so feel free to drop me a line my promise to Jesus many years ago was that any place, anytime, I will proclaim his mighty power to save form the gutter most to the uttermost.
Yours in Christ,
Billy The Kid billythekid.co.za
Dear brother,
I just read your story, and love that you are pursuing a ministry in youth. I taught science for 10 years and hosted a Bible Club at a public middle school. Today, I like to just go to high school campuses with lots of candy. I can gather audiences this way who will sit and listen queitly for 10 minutes during which time I display God’s power through a miraculous sign. Sound crazy? It happens every time. For example, a couple of weeks ago we were at Pinole Valley High in Pinole California where we went up to a group hanging out of about 10 to 12 students. After sharing for 10 minutes the gospel, I asked if anyone had body injury so I could reveal God’s power (And the Lord worked with them and confirmed what they said by many miracuous signs- Mark 16: 19-20). 2 students were track runners and both had pain in their thighs. After we ministered healing in the name of Jesus, they both walked and the pain was completely gone. When that guy came to your door at time you needed an answer it was a miracuous sign that got your attention. God does this to through healing the sick, a type of miracle we can usher in everytime we have an oppourtunity to preach to an audience where someone is sick or injured. Our youth are looking for power in their lives and I think this is one of the things that attracts them into the gang lifestyle in the first place. Unfortuneately, 98% of our churches don’t preach or teach on the power available to heal the sick as we preach the gospel. Yet when a person is healed, it acceses their hearts to the message of God’s love. I would like to talk more about you on this subject for I believe God wants to raise an army of beleivers who walk in both love and power to destroy the works of the enemy. I was initially tuned into power evangelism by Elijah Challenge Ministries. You can watch his teaching series on youtube called “Hell’s Second Best Kept Secret. You can watch it in action by an ex gang member and drug addict, Todd White also on youtube. He heals people on the streets by the power of Jesus, and people become open to his message. Check out, “Todd White” more healings on the streets”. (Not the same todd who ministered in tents in Florida.) Also check out a youtube clip “Bethel church in Redding CBN report”. This church is one of the pioneers in the movement of power evangelism. They are having alot of impact on a town called Redding in California. Members go out in teams demonstrating God’s power in public places and seeds are being planted. Anyway, I hope I hear from you and I hope my message has encouraged you. Email: stamperp@sbcglobal.net
man that is awsome God is allways going to be there man never look bak your testimony is amazing im so glad u found jesus…. im only 20 this yr and iv just joined a band but my role is to share my testimony to young youths and adults i hope i can save a few at least but this is by the grace of God let his will be done… i really loved ready your testimony..
I am interested in learning how you were able to leave. Recently, I believe i insulted a possible hells angel. I’ve never known fear like this before. Even if someone is a hells angel, they can still have a heart right? Any input you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
A scared 25 year old woman.
Praise Jesus.
Wonderful testimony. Prayer never goes in vain. I am praying for one of my friend. I want my friend to see Jesus, feel his love and be a believer.It feels so sad when you see your dear one’s eyes being blinded about faith. I will continue praying for him. I am sure God will hear my prayer.
Courtney, if you insulted a hells angel, the best thing to do would be to hide for a little bit and of course pray! If you have any siblings or parents available they’re the best bet! Jesus be with you all and Godspeed.
“Billy the kid” ,
Please pray for the man I have been in love with for 21 years. He is an “outlaw” biker. He is called “Scooter” . He comes in and out of mine and our sons life like the wind. We were married briefly when he left I was pregnant with our son(1991). Anyways. I still love him and still cannott resist jumping on the back of his bike when he decides to come around and I hold onto him for dear life because I never know when he will be back,could be months ,could be years. I received salvation while I was pregnant and have been saved all these years. I have never been able to get over Scooter even though we are legally divorced. I have prayed for him all these years and so has our son.Our son is grown now (19 years old)and moving out on his own next month to pursue college in another state. I have always treated Scooter in love and have not been harsh with him even though his in and out of our lives leaves me and our son dishuffled and confused.I LOVE this man with all my heart.
I am very discouraged after praying for him for 21 years and he only gets “Worse” into the wrong lane. I have not given up but I dont know what to do .Our son tells me to deal with the fact that he will never be able to give me what I need and move on.For some reason I have not been able to let go and I just wait in between his journeys. I dont know what he does in between -he is in a biker gang and I know theres women in and out and theres no telling what else he is doing. I dont want to sound desperate- I dont chase him I just wait.I cant help it.I am in love with him.It makes me so sad to see him wasting his life away.I have been trusting God to deliver him.I however feel at the end of my rope. Mabye because now our son is grown and leaving as well and I see that his whole growing up has passed by. and th eonly part of Scooter I had is now leaving as well. Please pray for Scooters salvation! and for our son! Thank you!
I will pray for Scooter interesting name. Only God a change a person so never give up praying because if he is into drugs then he will have very little feelings for most people and life and the BROTHERHOOD will be the reason he lives and rides. So make sure you care about youself and your son and ask God to show you His paln for your life. Blessings
Dear “Billy the Kid”
I have a concern about my mother, brother and step dad.
They have their own business ( I would prefer not the mention the name of it) and one of their clients are being very difficult. Due to financial problems they could not delivery the service on time and now he is threatening them with the Hells Angels.
My parents even had a visit from of the bikers a week ago that was sent by this guy, and the bikes said that there will be a 2nd visit as well but this time it will not be a pleasant one.
I am really concerned as the Hells Angels even know the school my littlee brother goes to.
I am in Australia and there is nothing I can do.
Do you have any advise on how to handle this situation?
I only found this out a few min ago, so I will start with praying and to ask God to keep His hand on my parents.
Thank you
Concerned Child
Amen brother. I am saved, but it seams like every so many years the devil trys to take out me and my family so please please pray that God breaks those family curses. Thank you.
Howzit concerned child.
Pray God to send His angels to protect you and the family. There is no one more powerful than God, don’t care who they are.
You must believe that he is able to protect you and the family business, as long as the business is legit and not into illegal things, I know the Gangs also like to control Tatoo shops but no one is above the law. Last resort call in the special police gang unit in you city or state.
Will pray for you
Billy (sorry I don’t come to this website much)
Dear Billy,
I thank you as I have written to you before…. your story gives me so much hope. My son has joined after a near death brain injury accident years ago and I will not stop believing that I can pray him out of this evil season of life. I will never give up praying for Gods will in his life & I find it hard to beleive it’s Gods will for my boy to be in the club. Thank you for your steadfast hope in Jesus Christ. I’ve never lost mine and I would love to read your book
Sincerely my
Calif Mom
Wow such an amazing story. I have alot of things similar to your story and currently am being rejected by family And friends and a boyfriend who I didn’t know was a “so called shot caller’s for the Hell’s Angels. I need prayers for him and thanks so much for sharing!!!!!!! I am pregnant with his baby and have an overwhelming fear they are going to kill us. Please pray. God bless you and thanks for your encouragement!!!
email me. I don’t know how to get me and my child out. I go church for healing