Motorcycle Rider

Ex Hell’s Angel

I must admit that I do not have any excuse for the direction my life took. It was choices I made bad choices at that. I was raised in a God-fearing home and my parents loved Jesus and went to church on a regular basis. I enjoyed church for a while but things around me started to become so attractive hence the name of the book I wrote “Deceived”

I grew up in a good Christian home but submitted to peer pressure and my own inner lust at the age of 12. I became a drug addict and an alcoholic at the age of 17 yrs.

I was drafted into the South African Navy to do military service and for me this was an opportunity to check out the drug and gang scene on the Cape flats… ‘ It rocked’, here was this white bro hitting the streets on weekends and “time off’ in this so called “nonwhite area” with a local gang called the MM. It wasn’t long and I hooked up with a girl whose brother was master of arms for MM known to be one of the largest gangs on the cape flats at that stage.

The year in the Navy turned out to be disastrous as I look back today, first my mother died while I was in the navy, I was in military hospital for drugs, I was charged for malicious damage to property when I went on the rampage in a hotel in Cape Town, man this could just not get any freaking worse.

On completion of my training my dad commented that in fact I looked worse than I did before I went into the military. Not long after the end of my military service I again met up with a member of the HELLS ANGELS JO’BURG and eventually the local Chapter in South Africa. I was at that stage the youngest member and loved fighting so earned the nickname ‘ Billy The Kid ‘. I quickly fitted into this subculture of bikes, fighting, women and some things I cannot tell. During the day I would hook up with a gang doing robberies and drugs and at night became this possessed biker who hated everyone who was not part of the ‘brotherhood’ (they were ‘peasants’) I loved hurting people the bigger the better. After many close encounters with death, God began to work and answer the prayers of a Christian mother who never stopped believing that God could deliver her son from darkness.

Things took a drastic turn after I was ‘spat out’ by society with no friends, no job, no money absolutely nothing, I had a shattered life, accidents, overdoses, an abortion, Satan worship to mention but a few things.

Now I was alone trying to start all over at the age of 21, standing on the second floor of a hostel I was approached by a young man and invited to a church service I refused and the entire weekend I could not sleep, by the Tuesday I was in such a state that I realized that I needed to get my life sorted out, I could not take this any longer in my small room I fell on my knees all alone and wept for the first time in years. I asked God if it was possible to forgive me for all I had done this continued for I don’t know how long but while I was weeping there was a knock at the door.

At first, I was embarrassed to open but the knocking was persistent, eventually I washed my face opened the door and there was a man dressed in a jacket and tie. He told me that while sitting at home God had told him that someone was in desperate need, he drove as God directed him and stopped at the hostel walked up and down the 3 story building and each time he passed my door God would urge him to knock. The minute he told me his story I knew God cared and was real and that God had just heard my desperate cry for help and forgiveness. The fact that God would send someone directly to my door overwhelmed me than and does the same for me some 34 years later.

This act of God would stay with me for the rest of my life through many difficult times I have always known that God loves and cares for me as he does for us all and he is never to busy to hear our cry for forgiveness and then we become his children he hears our every cry, prayer and supplication.

God is so good to me I was instantly delivered from drugs although I suffered with “flashbacks” for a few years it was soon over. I am now married and have 3 wonderful children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. I have been involved with youth & students for many years and God has used me over the years to share my testimony with thousands of young people from all over the world.

However, over the years I had a praying mother & father who never gave up hope that one day I would change and not just change but radically change and proclaim his word to all. Well, it happened their prayers ‘paid off ‘ God radically changed my life and now I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ it has changed my life forever. I have been kept by the power of Jesus for 34 years now and I must say that there is nothing that compares with this Christian Life so call me a “Jesus Freak” I would rather ride for the “SON” than for Satan.

If you are praying for someone or perhaps you yourself are struggling with many issues in life and you know that you need a change, a lasting one, then drop me an email via this website or should you wish to order a book please do so, the book is only 90 pages (took me 3 years to write) but its normally read in one sitting with amazing responses. It also makes the ideal gift for someone who may be struggling a troubled teenager or a biker who wants to break loose.

I could continue for days to tell what God has done for me through his Son Jesus Christ but why not try it for yourself. I am also available to share my story so feel free to drop me a line my promise to Jesus many years ago was that any place, anytime, I will proclaim his mighty power to save form the gutter most to the uttermost.

Yours in Christ,

Billy The Kid


  1. Tammy Hatch 4/14/2010
  2. Luke Michal 4/23/2010
  3. Courtney 5/1/2011
  4. minz 5/6/2011
  5. Andrew 3/4/2012
  6. Patricia 4/17/2012
  7. Billy The Kid 12/28/2012
  8. Concerned Child 12/5/2014
  9. Erick Zamarripa 4/7/2015
  10. Billy The Kid 4/22/2016
  11. Chris 12/14/2016
  12. Bridget 4/29/2018
  13. sarah 8/9/2018

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