Angel Collage

Encounters with Angels

I personally have seen an angel in the light. I was parked in front of the 99 cent store. I took my camera phone out and flashed it at night.

I was stressed and sad and I asked God for a sign. Of all the things I was going through, I just wanted some hope. When I thought about Jesus, I saw a miraculous sign.

I saw my guardian angel inside the light with a heart above it’s head. It had six wings and two eyes with a nose and a love like God. My prayer was answered and my sadness was put to bed.

My angel that I have seen was an unforgettable memory. I will always cherish this special testimony forever. One day I will sing with my angel in perfect homily.


  1. Helen Sweatt 11/18/2021
    • Daniel Sweatt 11/21/2021
  2. Sunday Akodu 11/19/2021
  3. Daniel Sweatt 11/21/2021
    • Sunday Akodu 11/21/2021

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