Woman Dreaming

Dream after an Extremely Difficult time in my life

Hello Brothers and Sisters. Wanted to share a dream I had after going through an extremely difficult time in my life. I was struggling terribly in my Faith feeling like the Lord’s grace and mercy had run out for me (long story). After about 2 1/2 months of intense repentance, the best way I knew how, I had a dream one night. I’ve had many dreams, but the timing of this dream was so needed.

I dreamt I was walking on a sunny day; people were walking around happily. It was sort of like a Church picnic atmosphere. To my right I sensed a flowing steam of water that was comforting. I continued to walk through the crowd, just looking around in this sunny day.

I noticed throughout the dream something circling over my head, it wasn’t until I woke up that I heard the song “I can only Imagine,” by Mercy Me playing in Circles over my head. This was so confirming to me, and I felt so thankful to God for this as I had so needed encouragement from the Lord.

God bless you all. Any thoughts or Holy Spirit words or meanings for the dream are welcome. Thank you.


  1. Allyssa Powell 7/2/2024
    • Suzanne Beck 8/7/2024

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