Hello Brothers and Sisters. Wanted to share a dream I had after going through an extremely difficult time in my life. I was struggling terribly in my Faith feeling like the Lord’s grace and mercy had run out for me (long story). After about 2 1/2 months of intense repentance, the best way I knew how, I had a dream one night. I’ve had many dreams, but the timing of this dream was so needed.
I dreamt I was walking on a sunny day; people were walking around happily. It was sort of like a Church picnic atmosphere. To my right I sensed a flowing steam of water that was comforting. I continued to walk through the crowd, just looking around in this sunny day.
I noticed throughout the dream something circling over my head, it wasn’t until I woke up that I heard the song “I can only Imagine,” by Mercy Me playing in Circles over my head. This was so confirming to me, and I felt so thankful to God for this as I had so needed encouragement from the Lord.
God bless you all. Any thoughts or Holy Spirit words or meanings for the dream are welcome. Thank you.
I have a feeling that God gave you that dream with that specific song playing because that song goes on to describe how we might feel when we finally meet Jesus face to face. Though you might have been going through a difficult time, He wanted to let you know that you’re not alone through it. His love is never ending. I hope that this gives you some reassurance. God bless, sister.
Thank you Sister. I really appreciate this. God bless you.