Woman Dancing out of Darkness

Dancing out of Darkness: Delivered from Depression

Jesus delivered me from depression! I am a wife and mother of three and have worked as a clinical nurse in mental health for 8 years and as a drug and alcohol clinical nurse for almost 4. I have had intermittent issues with anxiety and depression all my life as a Christian.

I came from a Christian home but did not always stay in the Christian faith due to all the religion I saw and how a lot of what I was taught didn’t add up. I picked up that I was flawed, insufficient and broken and that the God of the universe condescended himself to die for me but really wasn’t that delighted in me as a person. He was distant and a sort of concept.

I tried hard to live up to the law I was taught but this just frustrated me more and more which led to me giving up and believing that I was irredeemable. This led to a downward slippery slope where I totally morally derailed. I ended up going through a few very traumatic events and lost my fiancé in a motorcycle accident.

I had an experience with Jesus and dedicated my life to him but was soon confused by what I experienced again in church. This led to a search for deeper answers and truth, journeying through a myriad of churches and studying the bible at bible college. I went into counselling because I cared for others who struggled with anxiety and depression and wondered what the secular world had to say about it. I found some things useful but was even more disappointed with what I found there than in the church.

Eventually I was led to a Grace church called Field of Dreams in Adelaide South Australia. Here I experienced the love of the father like never before and was exposed to the fact that He is a God of the supernatural. Faith increased and then the Lord showed me that I was healed, once and for all from depression.

He also led me to write a book about being delivered from depression. At that church I was introduced to John Crowder, Kathie Walters, Jeff Jansen, Winnie and Georgian Banov, Godfrey Birtill and other people who preached the finished work of the cross. I realised that it is ALL God and I don’t have to strive and try be good enough. It is all Him and he has given me a new identity and I am a new creation in Him. He has done it and I am healed.

I was led to write the book before I was off my medication, in faith. I wrote my testimony and autobiography of my life outlining all the things I experienced in churches, the abuses and the good things, the theology that bound me up and the theology that set me free, my struggles and inner thought processes and how Holy Spirit led me into truth. By the time I finished writing the book I was off of all my medication and feeling great!

Since all the revelation broke in, my faith has grown, my relationships changed, my work is ‘light and delightful’ and not so burdensome, I have insights and revelations to give my clients and I am looking forward to a glorious future in Him! He is so good.

I feel more and more intimate with him on a daily basis and have learnt to walk in the spirit day by day. He lead me to dance again and start a dance group and much fruit has been born from this ministry. Praise the Lord!


  1. Joy 1/23/2012
  2. Zoe_Selah 1/28/2012
  3. Joy 1/29/2012
  4. devin26 1/31/2012
  5. Zoe_Selah 2/1/2012

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