I am requesting in Jesus name for prayer as I am having a tough time with a particular family member. The Lord is amazing and succours me as I require. But I feel I have so many known and unknown friends on this site that I thought I will post a request for prayer.
Emory, Pietergabriel, Zoe-selah, DaughterofChrist, asianjesuslover ;-), oh my friends, I am in prison in a way and need fellowship sorely. Please pray for the will of Father God to happen in my life, in the name of Jesus.
This is not a call of desperation but Matthew 18:20:
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
And we have all gathered in HIS spirit on this board is it not. I am sure I will have testimony to give soon as He commands.
Loosing the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon you all.
In love for Christ,
I just prayed for you Cheeryleesa. Be encouraged and full of the God’s joy. It’s a blessing to gather together with you and all our friends online.
Will pray for you 🙂
greatly encouraged…love always.
Dear Cheeryleesa,
Praying for you & your situation. With our Lord, all things are possible :0)
Love, Joy
Hi Cheeryleesa! It is 22:40 in my country right now.I woke up and just for “interest” sake I openend Testimonyshare. I read your message and have to read again when I saw my name. I truly believe God send me to the computer right now , as I wasn’t prepared to do any writing this time of night, I feel God has something for me and you to either hear and learn or I pray , have an answer in the outcome for your problem! When I read prison I immediately thought of Johannes,the disciple of Jesus, who was in jail!
Locked up and seemingly with no future! But, he has everything anyone could ask for! His faith in Jesus our Lord! Now, we know the end of Johannes but… although it was to many a very “bad” end, there is everything to learn from that. No matter what the outcome of the situation be, nothing can happen to any of God’s children if it is not in line with His Will. What so many people immediately miss, is – where did he go to after he (Johannes) was beheaded? To heaven where his Lord and Master is! What a wonderful, indescribable change for Johannes! The best “change” of position ,from heaven to earth anyone could ask for!
Your prison may not be that type of prison but, surely your faith in Jesus Christ and trust in our Almighty Father and God, will open the door- but … God just don’t put us or let us be in any situation ( may it be for seconds, days, weeks ,months or years) for no reason.This is a step in your faith and part of the shaping of Cheeryleesa as a child of Jesus Christ !Not only for you but …for all around you, even people you may not know, will be touched! I therefore come in prayer with you and ask that our Father will see your heart and hear your cry!In the Name of Jesus Christ our Father, I pray that God will ease your circumstances, that He will breakdown the barriers which are used to keep you in prison, not as you want it, but as how God want to use “it” and you to work in His Kingdom!God, your ways are awesome and you are the God of Love, You are our power, You give us our strength! Please God, guide Cheeryleesa through this period as you guided your disciples who were prying,praising God and tell all people(even in jail) about Jesus Christ ,the Redeemer, who sacrificed all for His children. God Jesus Christ, guide her in the true knowledge of Your Word so that her joy maybe in doing what God wants her to do! Covers her with Your Love and fill her with Your Spirit as to SHINE for Jesus Christ! We ask You that Father ,in the Name of Jesus Christ and we thank You and praise You Lord of Lords and King of Kings!AMEN! God be with His every child!AMEN
Joy, didnt write your name but definitely know you sweetie…thanks,it really counts..
and Pietergabriel,you are today truly a tool today in Gods hand.
A believer who mentors me in Christ has told me EXACTLY the same thing that you have said ..that the Lord is tutoring me to HIS purpose, training me to fulfil what HE wills in my life. I receive your words in the Holy Spirit and agree in prayer with you.
This is the proof that we are all members of His body, of One Spirit. Hallelujah. Truly moved by the Holy Spirit right now and uplifted knowing the Lord is with us.
I bless you all in Jesus name.
Hi cheeryleesa,
May Almighty God pray for you, comfort you and demonstrate his healing and restoration in your life.
Please do not deviate from the ways of Christ, serve him in spirit and truth.
Always remember he loves you and truly cares no matter how dark the day may seem, I know he will surprise you beyond your imagination soonest in Jesus name.
Remain blessed.
thank you Lekan, I receive what you said in Jesus name. I know you felt something from Him to write what you did and am encouraged in Christ. blessings upon you too in Jesus name.
Thank you for the prayer you sent me!
I pray for nothing but the best for you and your wife with hopes of wellness in your health and to help you both step out of your financial drought as well. God works in mysterious ways and he wouldn’t abandon you and your wife, especially since both are at your most vulnerable state. Keep your faith and keep praying and he will provide you and your wife with many blessings. I will be sure to include you in my prayer again before I go to bed. God bless you and your wife.