Woman with fire behind her.

I Burned All of My New Age Items and Repented

For years I was in the New Age: reiki, card readings, energy healing, crystals, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, etc. I struggled with health issues including recurrent UTIs, adrenal fatigue, teeth problems, anxiety that was so severe and autoimmune symptoms. I thought I was doing God’s work but never bothered to open a Bible and read his word for myself.

When my UTI wouldn’t go away, I spent thousands of dollars seeking treatment from doctors, healers and herbal supplements. It wasn’t until I was saved out of pure desperation and crying and begging God to help me. I normally would talk to “spirit guides and angels” which I know now were just demons trying to ruin my life.

Praise God a sequence of events of answered prayers started to unfold in my life and I burned all of my new age items and repented. I started reading my Bible and got baptized. Pretty soon thereafter my health issues went away. My UTIs completely stopped, and I repented for my past sexual sin. I had energy again; I wasn’t living in a cloud of confusion anymore.

I was then led to the right doctor who put me on a healthy diet (low carb/sugar). My entire family got baptized and we started going to church. I am in God’s hands now and nothing can pluck me out. Although, I went through extreme spiritual warfare when I first converted, I took it as I was on the right path.

Nothing changed for me until I got on my knees and cried out to God. It was then a natural process of Him guiding my life. Praise God! Thank you, Jesus, for saving a wretched sinner like me!


  1. Emory 7/16/2024
  2. Godwin 8/1/2024

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