My name is Archana. I am from Agra. I belong to a Hindu family. From childhood I was an idol worshiper. I used to go to temples. I used to get up at 4 in the morning and I used to worship the idols. I used to bathe the deities and used to pray to them.
Many times, in my life, GOD JESUS came to me; I saw the LORD, HE came to me, but I used to say to HIM that “You are not my GOD.” I used to worship only the idols. Then days rolled by. One day I got a picture of GOD JESUS. I took that picture with me, and I put it inside my temple of idols which I was having at my home. Then I started worshiping GOD JESUS; like I used to worship all the idols that were inside my temple.
Then on 25th December 2007; the LORD took me to a church and there I saw a big picture of GOD JESUS and I asked HIM, “Who you are? Please tell me who you are?” Then from the Church of the LORD I got one pamphlet. I took the pamphlet with me. In the pamphlet there was a verse and the phone number of that Church. When I came to my home; I put that pamphlet inside a bag, and I kept that bag inside my cupboard. And I said to myself that I’m Hindu; this is not my God and I wanted to go ahead in my life by worshiping the Hindu gods. In 2009, my brother suffered from brain cancer and in the month of May he became bed ridden. He was my only brother. At that time, he was 17 years old.
My parents took him to different hospitals for his treatment and I went to all the places of worship of Hindu’s and Muslim’s. I used to go to Muslim darga and all the temples of the idols and I went to the priests of Hindu’s and Muslim’s. I was very desperate to get help from above. I used to cry day and night to the gods of Hindu’s and Muslim’s to get help from them.
Then one day I went for Hindu worship that was taking place in a big hall and the Hindu priests were preaching there. Someone there told me a testimony of a lady, who was severely ill, and the doctors gave up all hope of saving her. Her family was crying for her; because the doctors said that she will not live; she will die. But she didn’t lose her hope and she cried to GOD JESUS and GOD JESUS healed her and saved her. Now she is healed completely, and she is giving her testimony to everyone, so that those who are suffering will come to know that its only GOD JESUS who has all Power in HIM.
When I heard this testimony, I remembered about the pamphlet which I got from the church. Immediately I ran to my home and searched for the pamphlet. There in the pamphlet I got the number of that Church. I dialed that Church number on my phone, and I told the man of GOD speaking to me on the phone, all the problem which my brother was facing his illness and his sufferings. I requested them to come in my house and pray for my brother.
They said to me that; we will pray now for your brother, and they asked me to say this “Only GOD JESUS is the Power and Strength of my brother.” From then on, I started praying to GOD JESUS; but at the same time, I was praying to the gods of Hindus and Muslims. Then after few days some blessed people from that church came to my house and they prayed for my brother. This prayer which they prayed was very powerful and they gave me the Holy Bible and I could feel some power that was working in my life. Then after prayer they went.
This shocked me to no end; because people used to come in our house for prayer and they were all from Hindu and Muslim communities and they used to take lots of money from my family for coming to home and praying, and these Church people, the Children of the LORD, didn’t took anything. They never asked for anything. I kept this matter in my heart and wondered about it.
Then on 21st May 2009 my one and only brother passed away. I was in great sorrow and grief. That day I took all the idols and the Holy Bible with me, and I gave it to a relative of mine to put them in the river. Then 3 days after my brother’s death I heard a voice. That voice said to me that “Nothing has happened to your brother. Thank GOD JESUS and Praise the LORD.” And I heard this word “Hallelujah.”
Then in the month of July, GOD JESUS brought me back to HIM and I asked LORD to forgive me, and I accepted JESUS as my only GOD. On every morning I started praying the LORD’s prayer which I had read from the Holy Bible and I started saying “Hallelujah.” I accepted JESUS as the GOD of My Salvation.
Now in the month of November 2009; my mother got severely ill. We took her to a Hospital in Mumbai, and she went through a stomach operation. There was error in the operation and the doctors were responsible for it. The operation was unsuccessful. The scissors had touched my mother’s rib and she was in great pain and agony.
Then we took her to the Apollo Hospital in Delhi, and I sent a prayer request on internet to pray for my mother. The Doctors said that my mother will not live. But I said to GOD JESUS; that “LORD if my Mother dies, still I will not leave you.” My Mother started taking the name of the LORD in her pain. She left the idols and stopped the idol worship. In this time of suffering, GOD JESUS gave her the gift of Faith. She started praying to the LORD, with her whole heart.
The stitches in her body got infected due to which she was in great pain. But a Miracle happened in my Mother’s life and GOD JESUS healed her in 15 days. This Miracle increased my faith and my mummy’s faith in the LORD. Then on 25th December I went to the same Church where I got the pamphlet. There in the Church I met one Sister and she gave me the Holy Bible and told me about the HOLY SPIRIT. As I came to know about the SPIRIT OF THE LORD; I started praying to LORD JESUS to Baptize me with HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
On 6th January 2010; in the morning at 4 a.m; as I was praying to GOD JESUS, I saw LORD JESUS.I saw His Glorious Face which was shining very brightly. Light was all over the LORD’s Holy Face. I saw Angels all around the LORD. They were all wearing white. Those Holy Angels were all praying and worshiping the LORD in tongues.
I saw LORD JESUS sitting on a big and beautiful Throne of gold. JESUS was wearing a white robe and on top of it HE was wearing a red colored raiment. He was wearing a golden crown on HIS Head and that crown was shining. I saw Eternal GOD and KING JESUS.I was unable to understand what was happening. I said to the LORD that “GOD, I have heard this; that Your scriptures talk. I don’t know anything GOD; You talk to me too. Then I opened the Bible, and I got this verse-
“Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
(Matthew 12:18)
After reading this verse I said to the LORD that “Today also you didn’t talk to me.” I didn’t believe in these Scriptures. Because I thought those Scriptures said that the LORD has chosen me, and I was thinking that I am a Hindu; how can I serve the LORD. Has the LORD really chosen me?
Then at 10 p.m in the night I called one brother whom LORD JESUS had given the Holy SPIRIT Baptism. I told him everything about my life in the name of GOD JESUS and gave him my testimony and also told him that I saw the LORD today and ABBA gave me this verse. He told me to say Hallelujah and I said Hallelujah and praised the LORD for 1 hour and after that I was touched by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD. Holy Fire of the LORD came on me and I could feel the Power of the LORD on my tongue, and I started speaking in tongues.
That time I was shivering in the Power of the LORD.LORD was filling me with HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Then I heard these words from the LORD ” I will not lie. If I have said that I have chosen you; then you are my Chosen One.” After this my life changed completely. I became a new Creation in the LORD. Each day I am being led by the SPIRIT OF LORD JESUS. ABBA is teaching me new things each day. Each day of my life is a day filled with HIS unfailing Love for me.
Each day is day of Blessing and Miracle for me. I am living for the LORD; I am in the heart of the LORD and my LORD JESUS is in my heart. Now I am serving LORD JESUS; all according to HIS Will and Plan in my life. My whole family and my relatives are into idol worship, but the LORD is making me fight this good fight of Faith. The LORD is fighting this battle for me. I am Victorious in the Precious Blood of GOD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, which the LORD, shed for me on the Cross.
Because of the extreme sufferings he went through for me; on the cross, I have crossed over from death to life. My father is against my prayer life, but I have Faith in the LORD; that one day my father will come to know the truth; that there is only one GOD, and that GOD is GOD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. There is no one beside HIM. LORD will touch my father and one day he too will serve the Living GOD in SPIRIT and in Truth.
Few days back my whole family was after me to get married. They started searching for Hindu boys. But the LORD said to me-“Have courage and do not fear; because I am with you forever and everything will happen in your life according to My will.”
By the grace of GOD JESUS, I am standing strong in the LORD and my mother is also in the LORD. GOD JESUS is helping me to continue with my studies. I am very happy with My Creator. I thank LORD JESUS for being My GOD and my Saviour.
If you are touched by my Testimony; and if you also want to receive the Unfailing Love and Blessings of GOD JESUS in your life; then pray this prayer with belief in your heart in the Most Powerful Name of the One and Only begotten Son of GOD, LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, who gave HIS Precious Life on the Cross for this whole world to be saved.
GOD JESUS CHRIST, I need you LORD.I thank You LORD for dying for me on the Cross. I open the door of my life for You, and I accept You LORD JESUS as my only GOD and Saviour. Take control of my life in Your Hands LORD JESUS. Make me as you want me to make.
If you have prayed this prayer to GOD JESUS with faith in HIS Name, then GOD JESUS has started working in your life from this very moment…
Power, Kingdom, Dominion, Status, Praise, Glory, Respect, Splendor, Honour, Majesty, Greatness, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strength, Holiness, Judgement, wealth belongs to only GOD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH; the King of the Ages; the Everlasting GOD and Master of All things from Everlasting to Everlasting.
Amen and Amen.
GOD JESUS bless you all
Dear in Christ
Praise God for this Testimony. Indeed May all Praise and Glory be unto His NAME alone.
He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Alpha and Omega. Praise the Lord.
God bless you and continues to use you mightly for His service.
Praise the Lord sister 🙂 very powerful and touching testimony
i have also accepted jesus as my saviour.He is very good to me all the time.i am from hindu backgrond and have testimony.can we talk?my no.9977848240 May god use you to glorify his name.
good testimony
if you like to tell about your testimony for more people …. you may send a email to [ gangwarvijendra[at] ] we will like to publish this in a christian monthly
Archanna, that was an amazing testimony and was so encouraging. I have been praying for a dear one in my life too, she is a Hindu and its been two years since God placed that burden to pray for her salvation. Ever since that things have been going really bad and now it is hopeless, but i believe my Jesus wouldn’t give me a desire to only tell me that it will not happen. God has taught me so much about His character that i am unable to give up even though there seems to be no hope. This person’s, Rashmi’s, heart is now like stone and satan has brought things to such an extent that i she doesn’t want to even speak to me. I request you to kindly spare a min when you see this, in pray for Rashmi. Thank you so much and Praise God always.
Hello Arun,
I just said a prayer for Rashmi.
I have found some promises from the Bible that I hope will help as you continue to pray for her and as you continue to lean on God’s strength despite the fierce oppositions that Satan is throwing against you.
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16 NKJV.
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22 KJV.
“And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us:
And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.”
1 John 5:14-15 KJV.
It’s God’s will for your dear one to know Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord. He loves her and doesn’t will for her to perish {see 2 Peter 3:9}. Keep praying for her and show her the love of Jesus when you see her {actions speak louder than words}. And pray that God will give you the right words to say when an opportunity comes your way to share Jesus with her.
May God be with you and bless you.
Halleluia to the Lamb. Yes the devil is indeed the loser and the father of lies and our God Jehovah together with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit- the Holy Trinity- the God of Israel, now our God is the true and loving God. Amen to you sister….
Wow. the Lord is so merciful n faithful. PRAISE THE LORD.
Dear Sister Archana,
Thanks For Sharing The Wonderful Testimony. You And Your Family Will Be In My Prayers. Please Don’t Worry About Your Father, God Has His Own Ways To Save His Loved Ones. Since You Are Saved, God Will Keep His Promise “”Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved–you and your household.” -Acts 16:31″. Stay Stronger In Faith, Love & Prayers. May God Bless You And Your Family Abundantly.
Ok if any jesus is there then moti will call me .