Peaceful man with arms outstretched.

A Peace that Cannot Be Moved

Testimony of Alex Radley

To whoever it may concern,

I confessed that I am a sinner and that I was trying to find life in the world, others and myself. I acknowledged that He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that I could be saved from my sin and have eternal life. I committed to living for God and Him only, not the world, me or others.

I’ve always been a shy and quiet person and can never find the right words (I even looked up testimony examples to find the right words for this) I prefer my own little space where I’m alone and it’s quiet. One of my missions in life was to find peace. A peace that cannot be moved.

When I was younger and still sometimes now people would call me names like ‘quiet one’ or ‘a person of many words’ and many more names. This was because I would say very few words and run and hide if someone was coming over. Also at school, if none of my friends were in my class, I would sit by myself and do my own thing. Even if I slightly knew someone in the class.

So, to try and achieve this mission was by being by myself away from others. The problem with being so quiet is it makes life harder, and I lacked self-confidence. At first, I thought I’m so quiet like what could God possibly do with me? Sort of thing. I kind of thought how could God change me? Because I had been so disobedient.

But do you know what Jesus has done for me?

He has done a lot. For you and me. The more I read the bible, the more I understand the fact that I didn’t need to hide from God or anyone. He offered me the peace I always tried to find in the wrong places. He also offered me safety in Jesus. Jesus was never far away from us. He became a man and lived and died for us. All I needed to do was trust Him and keep on trusting Him and so I would be accepted by God, forever.

At first, I struggled to trust Him quite a bit but slowly over time I began to more and more. I found that He is so loving, caring and began to take refuge in Him. I pray for things for God to intervene in and He does. I renewed confidence that God will always intervene and provide me with what I need no matter the situation.

Now I’ve continued to find they amazing peace and refuge even when I’m shying away and struggling from life’s hard situations. God is forever trustworthy and gives me hope to continue to run the race towards the time when I’ll be with Him in Heaven in total peace and safety.

There are still times I stuff up pretty bad, but I remember the stories from the bible of unlikely people God worked through, like Moses. God chose Moses to do something special, but Moses wasn’t sure saying “but lord I am not a skilled speaker. I have never been able to speak well or find the best words” but God assured Him saying they He would tell Moses what to say and do.

Still Moses was unsure and said, lacking self-confidence “Send someone else.” This reminds me of myself how I thought God couldn’t use me. God then again assured him saying his brother Aaron can come with him and He would tell them both what to say and do. From this story I learnt that God can help me do the things He wants me to do.

Now you can go find peace, safety or whatever you’re looking to find in yourself, others or the world but you will only truly find what you’re looking for in God. If it’s peace you’re looking for God will surely give you the unexplainable peace that Paul spoke of in Philippians 4:7

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, Will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

We can’t control life or the things that happen in life and life will always be hard. But you know what, God is offering you His peace that surpasses all understanding and His safety in Jesus. So, take refuge in Him and not the world or anything or anyone else because the peace you get from those are temporary and don’t last long. But God’s peace lasts forever (wow I’m really on a roll here), but yeah take refuge in God and He will protect you, like a mother bird protects her chicks under her wings.


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